- The cards, the cards, just take three. Take a little trip into your future with me! Now you, young man, are from across the sea. You come from two long lines of royalty. I'm a royal myself on my mother's side. Your lifestyle's high. But your funds are low. You need to marry a little honey whose daddy got dough.
- Mommy and daddy cut you off, huh, playboy?
- Yeah, sad but true.
- Now y'all gotta get hitched, but hitchin' ties you down. You just wanna be free. Hop from place to place. But freedom... takes green!
1. You come from two long lines of royalty. 你父母双亲都是贵族出生。
2. Your lifestyle's high. But your funds are low.你生活格调很高,手头资金却寥寥。
3. got dough 有米,有钱
4. cut you off 切断财路
5. playboy 花花公子
6. get hitched 【俚语】结婚
7. tie sb. down 限制某人的自由
8. takes green 需要钱
9. 这里还有一个很巧妙的双关语,说王子想要hop from place to place居无定所、四处玩乐,字面意思却是“跳来跳去”;然后说takes green需要钱,字面意思却是“需要绿色”。这俩一结合,于是就成了“跳来跳去的绿色的东西”——是的,于是王子就变青蛙了。 |