Few television shows have the fine distinction of making it to 100 episodes, but even fewer have the pleasure of enjoying a rabid fan base such as the one "Bones" attracts. Because of your great enthusiasm, Korbi TV decided we'd bring you along to this week's 100th episode celebration... in spirit, anyway. In the clip, you'll see a bit of creator Hart Hanson's toast, as well as David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel's kind words to the crew, to their families and to each other. It gets a little deep, people.
其实屈指算来没多少美剧能够拍到100集的,而能够像《识骨寻踪》那样一路走来还拥有自己忠实粉丝团的就更是少之又少。鉴于粉丝们的强烈要求,Korbi TV将《识骨寻踪》百集派对上的视频发布到了网上。在这段视频中,你将听到剧集大家长Hart Hanson的致辞,当然还有男女主演David Boreanaz与Emily Deschanel表达对剧组同仁、老婆孩子以及对彼此的感激之情。诙谐感人的三段致辞唷。
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