识骨寻踪第五季第12集 布丁里的证据
[/B]怀特先生与其手下的政府官员把Jeffersonian研究所关了禁闭,要求Brennan和她的法医小组检查一具高度机密的无名尸体,查出他的死因。随着调查的深入,他们开始怀疑自己涉及的与一宗惊天动地的总统刺杀案有关。Booth的上司Andrew Hacker帮助他进入到了研究所里头,找出重翻旧案背后的意图。而Cam则为着养女Michelle疑似有什么事情瞒着自己而心烦。
Episode 5.12 The Proof in the Pudding[/B]
[B]Airs: [/B]Jan.21, 2009
Mr. White (guest star Jones) and his team of government agents put the Jeffersonian Lab on lock down and demand that Brennan and her forensics team determine a cause of death for an unidentified, but highly classified set of remains. As the team gets to work, their findings lead them to suspect they are investigating one of the most famous presidential assassinations in history. Meanwhile, Booth's boss, Andrew Hacker (guest star Bader), helps him break into the lab and determine the motive behind the mystery investigation, and a frustrated Cam worries that Michelle may be keeping a big secret from her.
[B]《识骨寻踪》原创学习美剧使用口语学习笔记[/B] |