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BBC最受欢迎真人秀Top Gear走到头?(视频)









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发表于 2016-8-5 22:47:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
http://"http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNTEwOTQzODA=/v.swfTop Gear(香港亚洲电视国际台译名为《车迷大本营》,BBC中文网译名为《英国疯狂汽车秀》是英国广播公司(BBC)制作的著名汽车节目,曾获得过英国电影电视艺术学院(BAFTA)奖、多项英国国家电视奖(NTA)以及艾美奖。Top Gear早在1977年便开始播出,最初只是一档中规中矩的传统汽车节目。但自2002年以后,该节目就日益变得幽默并热闹非凡。现在,节目由三位主持人杰瑞米·克拉克森(Jeremy Clarkson)、詹姆斯·梅(James May)和理查德·哈蒙德(Richard Hammond),加上试车手“The Stig”(这个名字的意思是他姓Stig,叫“The”,因为字母T大写了,因此“The”不是冠词)。
据估计,目前Top Gear在全世界拥有多达3亿5000万观众。Top Gear在BBC 2台首播,此外BBC美国、澳大利亚特别广播服务也播出这一节目。由于其流行效应,Top Gear还在美国、澳大利亚和俄罗斯推出了在当地制作、使用当地主持人的国际档。
而日前,这档最受欢迎节目的制作人却称,Top Gear问题多多、恐要终结……

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Is Top Gear losing its drive?
Top Gear producer Andy Wilman has admitted the popular BBC2 show is in danger of running out of road.
Wilman, who is credited with turning the show into a global powerhouse since relaunching it with presenter Jeremy Clarkson seven years ago, warned "this incarnation of Top Gear is nearer the end than the beginning".
In a blog addressing criticism about the latest series, shown at 9pm on Sundays on BBC2, Wilman said he was looking forward to the end of the current run.
"Personally I'll be glad to see the back of it," he wrote. "We've done some good stuff this series, but we were too rushed and too knackered to get everything right."
Top Gear's ratings have been down this series – although at more than 5 million they are very high for BBC2 – partly because the show was moved to the highly competitive 9pm slot to avoid clashing with ITV1's The X Factor.
However, viewers have complained about the editorial direction it has taken – in Wilman's words, that "we've lost the plot, we've disappeared up our arses, we're scripting everything, we're predictable etc etc".
Wilman said the presenters – Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May – were starting to become caricatures of themselves.
"I do believe we've now got the presenters playing to their TV cartoon characters a bit too much – Jezza the walking nuclear bomb, Richard the daft Norman Wisdom, and James the bumbling professor," he wrote.
He missed "the three mates who mooch along", pointing to a recent film about Lancias as an example where they recaptured some of the old spirit.
"I know James definitely feels that way, and Jeremy and I were saying the other morning how the Lancia film was a bit of a wake-up reminder that we can actually make good films just enthusing about cars."
He defended the show against complaints that it was becoming too scripted, instead arguing that "you're watching a show that's lost its innocence".
He said the show's success after relaunching in 2002 had not been expected, resulting in "surprise and delight on the presenters' faces".
"That innocence has gone now, as always happens, because that's the nature of TV," he said.
"You all know the main pillars of our editorial, and we do our best to entertain, but none of us are going back to that first flush of discovery. But although that's sad, this is not time for glumness because there's still so much to do."
He admitted that the show could not go on indefinitely.
"It's fair to say this incarnation of Top Gear is nearer the end than the beginning, and our job is to land this plane with its dignity still intact," he said.
"But ironically, that does mean trying new things to the last, even if they screw up, because, well, it means you never stopped trying."

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