Lie to Me和Bones是福克斯电视台两大炙手可热的破案剧:前者分析嫌疑人的脸部表情揭穿谎言,男主人公犀利的观察能力是全剧最大看点;而后者则从被害人残缺不全面目全非的尸骨中寻找蛛丝马迹,男女主角忽远忽近的暧昧关系则是该剧的大噱头。试想这两部剧集如果玩穿越的话,那将会擦出怎样的火花?
据悉福克斯正在考虑《识骨寻踪》第五季中,安排上演男女主角Booth和Brennan与Tim Roth扮演的《别对我撒谎》男主角Lightman博士携手共事,联合破案。但内部消息称,这个设想现在只不过是早期的构思,可能“不会成为现实”。大家不放在这一计划土崩瓦解之前双手合十祈祷吧。
(要是能成真的话,这集会超好玩的。想想Booth和Brennan在Lightman面前强调“We just work together”会是啥后果吧;还有Sweets和Lightman如果有互动也一定很有看头!灭哈哈~~)
Here's further proof that brain tumor-afflicted Booth will be on the mend this fall on Bones: The next Fox character that visits him will be a flesh-and-blood human, not an animated talking baby.
Sources confirm that Fox is toying with the idea of staging a crossover next season that would find Booth and Brennan working on a case with Tim Roth's Lie to Me doc Lightman. The insider cautions that it's in the very early stages and "may not even happen," which is even more reason for me to get this out there now before the whole thing falls apart!
《识骨寻踪》第一季第一集美剧口语华丽汇总 双语图解:Lie to Me教你察言观色 辨识谎言
toy with v.玩弄
early stage 早期,初期
fall apart v.崩溃,土崩瓦解 |