越狱第四季第15集学习笔记新鲜出炉!边看越狱边学英语!! http://"http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNjA4MDg0Njg=/v.swf
Padman tells Sara that she looks rested. Sara says she would like to be of assistance in Michael’s rehabilitation but Padman says that it is impossible and she serves Michael best from a distance.
Michael is told that his mother alive. Michael says he wants to talk to his mother but is told that he can talk to her only when he’s ready to join the Company. http://"http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNjA4MDgzNDg=/v.swf 更多越狱相关消息,点此进入边看剧集边学英语!