越狱第四季第14集学习笔记新鲜出炉!!!边看越狱边学英语! http://"http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNTY4ODk1MjQ=/v.swf
迈克打电话给Self说是时候碰头了,对方却回答:“我有更好的主意。”他举起枪来朝仓库的窗户射过去。迈克让大家卧倒。Self说他们已经被包围了,让迈克带着锡拉出来投降,不然就用毒气把他给熏出来。没想到林肯在屋顶上出现,他用枪指着Self逼他进了仓库。格雷琴随即走了进来给枪上了膛,莎拉掏出了另一把枪指着Self。 很坏很华丽:越狱第四季T-Bag经典台词汇总(上)
Michael calls Self and says it’s time to meet. “I’ve got a better idea,” Self says as he pulls a gun and starts shooting through the windows of the warehouse. Michael tells everyone to get out. Self tells him that they are surrounded and to come out with Scylla or he will gas him out. “Come and get it,” Michael says. On the rooftop Lincoln pulls a gun on Self and leads him into the warehouse. Gretchen walks in with her gun loaded and Sara pulls another on Self. 更多越狱相关消息,点此进入边看剧集边学英语!