They escaped by artifice.
他们设巧计而逃。They escaped by artifice
他们设巧计而逃。He played a cunning trick.
他使巧计。Clever plan and outstanding scheme
巧计良谋She maneuvered herself out of an embarrassing position.
她施巧计使自己摆脱困境。They tired out the enemy by skilful maneuver
他们施巧计拖垮了敌人。A crafty scheme or cunning design for the accomplishment of a sinister end.
密谋为了达到一个罪恶的目的而设计的巧计或诡计 The duke promised him…by some artifice to make Valentine betray the secret himself
公爵答应他…使个巧计让凡伦丁自己把秘密泄露出来。Skillful,subtle handling of a situation;tactful,diplomatic maneuvering.
n. 演习;策略;调遣
v. 调遣,演习,用计;技巧,手法
The grand maneuvers will be held tomorrow.
大规模的演习将于明天举行。This maneuver of his is a diabolical conspiracy.
他这一手是个居心叵测的大阴谋。A vast, strategic maneuver to outflank,
一个大的战略上的侧翼包围…The fleet is maneuvering off the east coast.
舰队正在东海岸外演习。Cyclists were maneuvering on the practice track.
n. 计划;组合;体系,体制;诡计,阴谋
v. 计划,设计;策划,密谋
To gestate a scheme.
酝酿一个计划。elaborate a scheme
精心拟订一项计划 draining scheme
排水规划 Their scheme rebounded.
他们的计划弄巧成拙。They gestated a scheme.
他们酝酿了一个计划。 |