“I love myself.” That sounds a bit silly (and I doubt anyone would ever say it out loud), but self-love isn’t reserved for the egomaniacs of the world. Finding the confidence to succeed (or even the courage to start) is very difficult if you don’t love yourself. If you’re ready to swoon your hot self, keep on reading.
1. Stop Beating Yourself Up
Would you say the things you think about yourself to another person? If not, you owe yourself an apology. How could you love a person who believes such nasty things about you? Even if you did mess up, get over it. Big goof that’s mostly irrelevant? Laugh at it. Serious mistake that had repercussions? Learn from it. The important thing is to drop your baggage and move on.
2. Think Positive
Focus on your strengths (instead of your weaknesses). Leap out of bed (don’t crawl out of it). Look at every day as a new opportunity (not the same old story).
3. Be Thankful
Be aware of all the things you should be thankful for. Make note of the people, places, things and activities that bring you the most joy. If you slow down, you’ll realize you have an awful lot to be thankful for.
4. Learn and Grow
Developing your knowledge and skills will help you develop a healthy swagger and confidence that you can do anything.
5. Accept Your Flaws/Quirks/Weirdness
My penmanship sucks, I can’t ride a bike, I am only good at cooking three things (spaghetti/omelets/sandwiches) and I have an irrational fear of bees (which is so bad that I once drove my car into a stop sign after one flew into an open window on a summer day). And you know what? I wouldn’t change any of that. Be confident in yourself, no matter how “weird” (interesting and unique) you may be.
6. Use Your Strengths
Think about the top three accomplishments in your life. I don’t care how big or little they are. It could be graduating college, landing a sweet job, getting your first business client, winning an award, losing weight, or whatever. Now write down the strengths you used to accomplish those three things. See any common threads that led to achievement? If so, the path to more success is right in front of you. Use the strengths that have been proven to work if you want to boost belief in yourself make your weaknesses irrelevant.
7. No More Comparisons
Forget about the celebrities you compare your body to, the relationships you contrast yours with, and the people you are so obsessed with pleasing. Life is not a competition. Your only goal is to become a better version of yourself.