I give you my love...
For the harmony you bring into
my life...
Noteharmony n. 和谐,融洽
I give you my love
For the understanding of my needs
and the many smiles you have
brought to me...
I give you my love
For the joy you bring to my heart
and the many ways you make me feel
with every embrace... Note:embrace n. 拥抱
I give you my love
For the comfort you bring to me
and the many treasured times
we have shared...
I give you my love
For the way you are my friend
as well as the many ways you
express our love...
I give you my love
For the many ways that you've
allowed me to be a part of your life...
I give you my love 编辑推荐:
>>情人节“诱人”指南 教你取悦心上人
>>情人节约会指南:恋爱成功八大秘笈 更多内容》》》新东方网英语频道