Banning Cocq
van Ruytenburgh
At the bottom of the picture, there's now less space for Banning Cocq and van Ruytenburgh to step out into. A narrow strip has gone from the right hand side. But the biggest cut was on the left of the picture. The Sergeant has lost the plume of his helmet and two guardsmen have gone completely.
I think especially the left side being cut off made a big change. One can't actually see anymore that they are marching out into space. There was a fantastic indication for that which was a balustrade which ran, diagonally out towards the left side of the painting and that created a fantastic sense of space, that sense is lacking now and I think that it had a much larger impact on the composition than is often said.画作下方班宁柯可和范罗莱登伯格脚前的空间少了许多。右边少了一块,但被剪得最惨的是左边,士官长上头盔上的玉饰不见了。两名民兵则完全被裁掉了。左边被裁掉造成了很大的影响,我们再也不觉得画中人仿佛要步出画框的感觉,原本画中的栅栏以对角线的方式,横越画作的左侧。创造出奇妙的空间感
,但现在已荡然无存。我认为这对构图的影响远比我们想象的大。 |