Impassable rapids prevented the Egyptians travelling far enough upstream to discover the truth. They lived in isolation, believing this one green valley contained their entire, god-given universe. They knew nothing of what lay beyond. But where does the Nile's great flood really come from, and how is it able to perform its miracle? The river has been reluctant to give up its secrets, now we can unravel the mystery. The answer can only be found at the end of an extraordinary journey, far upstream, into the remotest and strangest corners of Africa. It's an epic journey in search of the great flood.湍急而不可穿越的激流阻断了埃及人远行到上游去发掘真相的道路。他们遗世独居,深信着这一座翠绿的河谷就是他们天赐宇宙的全部,而不了解这之外的一切。但尼罗河的大洪水究竟从何而来?它又是如何演出它惊世奇迹的呢?大河一直不愿意揭开它神秘的面纱,现在我们将揭开这个秘密。我们的答案就在浩瀚旅程的终点。上溯大河,深入最偏远、最陌生的非洲大陆角落,这是一次寻找大洪水源头的史诗之旅。 |