fiction= fict. depict= dep. conflict= conf.
emotional= emo. and= & intellectual= intel.
responses= resp. elements= eles. short story= SS
present= pres.
“short shorts,”
Good morning. Today, we shall talk about an important and interesting literary style – short story, which is fictional work depicting one character's inner conflict or conflict with others, usually having one thematic focus. Short stories generally produce a single, focused emotional and intellectual response in the reader. Novels, by contrast, usually depict conflicts among many characters developed through a variety of episodes, stimulating a complexity of responses in the reader. The short story form ranges from “short shorts," which run in length from a sentence to four pages, to novellas that can easily be 100 pages long and exhibit characteristics of both the short story and the novel. Because some works straddle the definitional lines of these three forms of fiction – short story, novella, and novel – the terms should be regarded as approximate rather than absolute. First, we need to learn the elements of the short story. The basic elements of the short story including setting, including time and place, conflict, character, and theme.早上好。今天,我们将谈论一个重要和有趣的文学文体——短篇小说,这是描述一个角色的内部冲突或者与他人冲突的虚构的作品,通常有一个核心主题。短篇小说通常使读者产生一种独一无二的、集中的情感和智力共鸣。小说,相比之下,通常通过各种剧情描绘许多角色之间的冲突,刺激读者产生复杂的反应。短篇小说的形式从“超短篇”,它可以是一个句子长度到四页之多,到中篇小说,即可以很容易达到100页并且同时表现了短篇小说和小说的特点。因为一些作品无法明确定义是三种小说形式——短篇小说,中篇小说,还是长篇小说的一种,所以这些专有名词是笼统的说法,不应该被视为是绝对的。首先,我们需要学习短篇小说的基本元素。它包括环境、时间、地点、冲突、人物、和主题。
翻译by sugarle |