Listen to the following holidays which are observed in different areas around the world.
Saint Catherine's Day
the patroness of spinsters
Saint Patrick's Day
Miss Anna M. Jarvis of Philadelphia
November 25 is Saint Catherine's Day. The French celebrate this playful holiday in honor of Saint Catherine, the patroness of spinsters, or unmarried women. The day is observed mainly by the Parisian sewing girls who are over 25 and unmarried. It is a day for fun, parades, dances, and receptions.
March 17 is Saint Patrick's Day. This is Ireland's greatest national holiday. The date marks the anniversary of the death of the missionary who became the patron saint of Ireland. Green is the color of the day.
Mother's Day is a movable holiday. It falls on the 2nd Sunday in May. Mother's Day was founded by Miss Anna M. Jarvis of Philadelphia. It is now observed in countries all around the world, including England, France, Sweden, Denmark, India, China, and Mexico.11月25日是圣凯瑟琳节,这个充满游戏趣味的节日是为了纪念单身女裁缝圣凯瑟琳,也是向单身及未婚女性致敬。庆祝这个节日的主要是巴黎时装界超过25岁及未婚女士们。在这天,人们会嬉闹、游行、跳舞、举办宴会等。
母亲节的日子是不固定的,它在五月的第二个星期天。母亲节由安娜·查维斯夫人创立,现在世界各国包括英国、法国、瑞典、丹麦、印度、中国、墨西哥都会庆祝这个节日。 |