Hi, everybody. This week, I went down to an Amazon warehouse in Tennessee to talk more about what we need to do to secure a better bargain for the middle class - to make sure that anyone who works hard can get ahead in the 21st century economy. Over the past four and a half years, we've fought our way back from the worst recession of our lifetimes and begun to lay a foundation for stronger, more durable economic growth. Today, our businesses have created 7.3 million new jobs over the last 41 months. We now sell more products made in America to the rest of the world than ever before. Health care costs are growing at the slowest rate in 50 years, and our deficits are falling at the fastest rate in 60 years. But as any middle-class family will tell you, we're not where we need to be yet. Even before the crisis hit, we were living through a decade where a few at the top were doing better and better, while most families were working harder and harder just to get by. Reversing this trend must be Washington's highest priority. It sure is mine. But too often over the past two years, Washington has taken its eye off the ball. They've allowed an endless parade of political posturing and phony scandals to distract from growing our economy and strengthening the middle class.大家好。本周,我来的田纳西州的亚马孙仓库讨论了很多关于我们需要做什么才能让中产阶级多分得一点蛋糕—才能保证每一个勤奋工作的人在21世纪的经济里过得好。在过去的四年半里,我们已经从我们一生中最严峻的衰退中杀出一条血路开始为一个更加强劲更加可持续的经济增长大基础了。今天,我们的企业已经在过去的41个月里创造了7百30万个新就业机会。我们现在销往世界其它地方的美国产品比以往任何时候都多。医疗成本增长率创50年最低,赤字下降速度创60年最高。但是正如每一个中产阶级家庭会告诉你的,我们还没有达到我们的目的。即使在危机之前,我们经历的十年里少数最富的让越来越富,而大多数家庭却工作得越来越辛苦仅仅能维持。逆转这个趋势必须是华盛顿的第一要务。当然也是我的第一要务。但是在过去的两年里华盛顿经常把目光移开。他们一直让政治作秀和繁琐小事分散我们对发展经济和加强中产阶级的注意力。 |