The most recent shelter, an old escalator shaft that went deep into the ground, was causing more interest anyhow than an old essay. As they walked down the eroding tunnel, they established that this was also a remnant of that dead society. When they reached a door and opened it, however, they discovered something that only the old-timers knew about, a movie theater. This, they said, was the dominant escapism at the fall of society, essential for those people who only valued entertainment while their world collapsed.As one of the older men turned on the projector, the rest of the group sat down and stared in amazement as images flashed on the screen. A child dropped the essay to the floor, never to be looked at again.最近发现的一处避难所是一个在地下走得很深的旧电梯井。不知是什么原因,跟一篇旧论文相比,它引起了人们更大的兴趣。他们沿着正受腐蚀的隧道往下走,证实这也是那个时代的残迹。但当他们到达一扇门、把门打开后,他们发现了一家只有老人们才知道的电影院。老人们说这是社会灭亡时用于逃避现实的主要设施,这种设施对于那些天塌下来的时候还只重视娱乐的人来说是非常重要的。有个老人打开放映机,其他人坐下来奇怪地看着屏幕上闪动的图像。一个孩子把文章扔到地上,再也没人看它一眼。 |