10s, 56s处有破折号
❤ 这两天BBC几个节目都出新一集了...(* ̄▽ ̄)y
When I first came to the painting, I found it. I wouldn't say ugly, but opaque - it didn't move me at all. Then, of course, slowly, I discovered so many little details, which made me realise what an indescribable genius Leonardo was.
Shepherded through a system of airlocks, visitors now come into the presence. They carry with them a lifetime's exposure to an image whose original they will see probably for the first time. 15 minutes is all they will get to take in this most complex of artworks. And then they will re-emerge into the world of copies, and spoofs and spins, taking away some memory of this incomparable original- which is itself no more than a memory of its own greatness. |