The Times
Pulitzer Prize
Then, out of my wildest childhood fantasy, The Times came knocking. It was sad that Uncle Edwin had departed by this time. Eventually, I would be offered one of the most prized assignments for which a reporter could possibly hope: a regular opinion piece in The New York Times.
It was proof that my mother's scheme to push me toward literature from an early age had been absolutely right.
In 1979 I reached the summit of my professional career winning a major award, namely the Pulitzer Prize. Unfortunately, my mother's brain and overall health collapsed the year before leaving her in a nursing home, out of touch with life forevermore. She never knew of my Pulitzer.
I can probably guess how she'd have responded. "That's nice, buddy. It shows if you work hard, you'll be able to make something of yourself one of these days."后来,连孩提时代也没想过的是,《纽约时报》竟然自己来敲门了。可惜的是,当我去《纽约时报》工作时埃德温舅舅已经离开了那里。最后,我终于被委任了一个记者能够梦想得到的最具荣誉性的工作:《纽约时报》的一个固定专栏的评论员。
我大概可以猜到她会做出怎样的反应。“不错,孩子。看来,要是你努力工作,总有一天你会成为一个出色的人。” |