Seniors are better protected from someone who sees their homes or retirement savings as an easy target. And thanks to the hard work of folks at the CFPB, so far 6 million Americans have gotten more than $400 million in refunds from companies that engaged in unscrupulous practices. That's money we didn't have the power to recover before. You know, we've come a long way over the past four and a half years. Our economy's growing. Our businesses have created 7.2 million new jobs in the past 40 months. We've locked in new safeguards to protect against another crisis and end bailouts for good. And even though more work remains, our financial system is more fair and much more sound than it was. We've still got a long way to go to restore the sense of security that too many middle-class families are still fighting to rebuild. But if we keep moving forward with our eyes fixed on that North Star of a growing middle class, then I'm confident we'll get to where we need to go. Thanks, and have a great weekend.老人们可以更好地防止被一些人当做鱼腩盯上他们的房子和退休金。多亏了消费者金融保护局的伙计们的工作,迄今为止已经有六百万美国人得到了超过4亿美元的来自行为草率的公司的返款。这些钱我们过去是无力要回的。众所周知,我们在过去的四年半里走了很多弯路。我们的经济在增长。我们的企业在过去的40个月里创造了7百20万个新就业机会。我们已经有新的保镖防止其它危机和结束政府救助(经营不良单位)。尽管还有很多工作要做,我们的金融体系比过去更加公平和健全了。恢复那么多中产阶级家庭一直为之奋斗的安全感,我们还有很长的路要走。但是如果我们找准成长的中产阶级的目标坚持不懈,我坚信我们一定达到我们的目的地。谢谢,周末快乐。 |