The world never factored into the equation, however, that Andre was just a simple, nice man who had accidentally caused the death of millions. The equilibrium of justice was against him and he was sentenced to death on national television. Everyone thought this payment was equitable. As Andre was about to be executed the world gave a collective gasp when, having been asked for any last words, Andre said, "I have the cure!" No one had been able to stop the plague and suddenly the source of misery was also claiming to be the world's savior. Andre stepped down from the electric chair and said, "You have to have the main course."然而世界从来没有考虑过这样一个等式,那就是安德烈只不过是个偶尔造成几百万人死亡的不起眼的好人。司法的平衡对他不利,他在全国电视上被判处死刑。大家都认为这种惩罚是公正的。安德烈即将被处死之际全世界都倒抽了一口气,因为当安德烈被问及有什么遗言时他说:“我有解药!”没有人能阻止瘟疫,突然之间,罪魁祸首同时也说自己是救世主。安德烈从电椅上走下来说:“你得吃主菜。” |