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发表于 2016-7-10 09:20:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
          Adding to a woman’s increased dose of stress chemicals, are her increased “opportunities” for stress. “It’s not necessarily that women don’t cope as well. It’s just that they have so much more to cope with,” says Dr. Yehuda. “Their capacity for tolerating stress may even be greater than men’s,” she observes, “it’s just that they’re dealing with so many more things that they become worn out from it more visibly and sooner.” (2008. Text 1. Para.3)
          22. Dr. Yehuda’s research suggests that women
          [A] need extra doses of chemicals to handle stress.
          [B] have limited capacity for tolerating stress.
          [C] are more capable of avoiding stress.
          [D] are exposed to more stress.
          这一题选D。可以看出,这道题的解题主要依靠这一段讲的核心词:so much more, so many more things,强调了女性的压力来源:很多事情需要处理。但是读者并不一定就会马上找到这些重复的点,可以通过两句话开头的重复点it's just that...寻找。当然,这一段的核心词还有“处理”:to cope with, are dealing with. 这些词也对应D项的exposed to. 得出初步结论为:段落核心词为一段中重复频率高的词或词组。
          That the seas are being overfished has been known for years. What researchers such as Ransom Myers and Boris Worm have shown is just how fast things are changing. They have looked at half a century of data from fisheries around the world. Their methods do not attempt to estimate the actual biomass (the amount of living biological matter) of fish species in particular parts of the ocean, but rather changes in that biomass over time. According to their latest paper published in Nature, the biomass of large predators (animals that kill and eat other animals) in a new fishery is reduced on average by 80% within 15 years of the start of exploitation. In some long-fished areas, it has halved again since then.
          Dr. Worm acknowledges that these figures are conservative. One reason for this is that fishing technology has improved. ......(2006. Text 3. Para. 2/3)
          33.By saying "these figures are conservative" (Line 1, paragraph 3), Dr. Worm means that ________.
          [A] fishing technology has improved rapidly
          [B] the catch-sizes are actually smaller than recorded
          [C] the marine biomass has suffered a greater loss(C)
          [D] the data collected so far are out of date
          35. The author seems to be mainly concerned with most fisheries’ ________.
          [A] management efficiency
          [B] biomass level
          [C] catch-size limits(B)
          [D] technological application
          这两题分别选C、B。节选是这篇文章的第二段和第三段的开头。33题的问题是第三段开头,所以答案来源可能在上面,也可能在下面。很多同学往下面看了一句fishing technology has improved,从而错选A。其实应该往上看,因为引文有these,是个代词,遇见代词指代一定要向上看的。上面一段的段落核心词是biomass,自然选C。关于35题,是主旨题,本来文章第一段很重要;但由于第一段是例子(时文文体),所以文章主题移至第二段,也就是核心词所在的biomass进行表达。
          由这三题我们可以总结出,段落核心词,就是段落中重复频率最高的某个词,常为名词或名词短语(不可能是冠词哦),可以提示考察这一段的细节题的答案。但是,这个核心词,有时会是隐形的翅膀,即用代词或同义词的方式出现。如上段引文的最后一句:it has halved again since then. 这里的it其实还是指代上一句话的主语biomass。我们今后无论是阅读段落还是文章,都要有相应的主题和核心词思想,这样解题在遇到纠结选项的时候,就会用核心的方向感来排除错误答案。

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