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Yang Chen
Cracker Jacks
Well, Yang Chen, a baseball game is nine innings long.
Yeah. Right, innings I-N-N-I-N-G-S. It's the seventh inning already? All right. Well, you get to experience the famous "seventh inning stretch," Yang Chen.
Yang Chen, it's a baseball tradition. Because baseball is such a long game.
It lasts hours and hours.
During the seventh inning everyone stands up and stretches their legs and sings a song.
That's right, Yang Chen. At least you know something about baseball.
Take me out to the Ball Game. Well, I've stretched my legs. Did you stretch yours?
OK. Let's stand up and sing ...
Yeah Yang Chen, but I do know a lyrics. Take me out to the Ball Game. Come on, Yang Chen. Sing it. Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks. There! Don't you feel better now. I'm gonna go to the snack bar. So would you like peanuts? Cracker Jacks? |