1.have itching ears 耳朵发痒
【文化溯源】源自《圣经·新约·提摩太后书》第4章第3节。基督的使徒保罗劝勉其门徒提摩太(Timothy)要不畏艰难,始终忠于耶稣基督,担负起教师和传道人的责任:“因为时候要到,人必须厌烦纯正的道理。耳朵发痒,就增添好些师傅来满足自己的欲望。”(For the time will come when they will not endure the sound doctrine; but,having itching ears,will heap to themselves teachers after their own lusts.)现在,have itching ears常用来喻指“好打听,爱听新奇的事”。
【例句】Yesterday Mrs. Humphry asked me whether I had heard my neighbors quarrelling with each other;she has itching ears. 昨天,汉弗莱太太问我是否听见邻居吵架;她就爱听个新鲜事。 2.play by ear 根据听到的弹 【文化溯源】源于音乐用语。有些人会弹钢琴或演奏其他乐器,却不认识五线谱。每当他们要弹奏某个乐曲时,只能凭着听过的记忆来弹。如今,play by ear指“临时决定,走着瞧”。
【例句】 I haven?蒺t had a chance to prepare my notes,so all I can do is to start talking and play by ear.我没有机会做准备,因此只好先讲,讲到哪儿算哪儿吧。 3.set by ears 揪住耳朵
【文化溯源】源自民间一则斗狗故事。有两个好事之徒,以狗打架来打赌。这两人为了自己的狗能赢,就分别揪住狗的耳朵,让它们争斗。set by ears即从这一故事而来,转义为“使人不和”,也有“因新发现而引起轰动,使人震惊”之意。
【例句】Uncle always seems to set the family by ears. I wish he would not spend his holiday with us. 叔叔好像总使一家人不和,我希望他不要与我们一起度假。 4.turn a deaf ear 转过聋耳朵
【文化溯源】源自《圣经·旧约·诗篇》第58章第4节:“他们的毒气好像蛇的毒气,他们好像塞耳的聋蛇。”(Their poison is like the poison of a serpent: they are like the deaf adder that stoppeth her ear.)据说,在东方国家,毒蛇若进了屋,主人就会请耍蛇的人来诱它入袋,耍蛇人口念咒语,蛇为了不听咒语,常将一只耳朵贴在地上,再用尾巴塞住另一只耳朵。所以,turn a deaf ear用来比喻“充耳不闻,置若罔闻”。
【例句】 Young people sometimes seem to turn a deaf ear to the words of their anxious parents. 年轻人有时似乎对他们焦虑不安的父母的话充耳不闻。 5.walls have ears 隔墙有耳 【文化溯源】 巴黎的卢浮宫建于12世纪,原为法国王宫,1793年成为国立美术博物馆。卢浮宫设计巧妙,墙壁中安装了神秘的传声管道,可供偷听用。国王查理九世年仅10岁就继承了王位,由母后凯瑟琳(Catherine de Medicis)摄政。当时的大臣分为两派,这位多疑的王后就靠这种墙壁来偷听她所怀疑的大臣的言谈,掌握了许多秘密和阴谋事件的内幕。后来,人们就用walls have ears来表示“隔墙有耳”的意思。
【例句】 Mary made signs with her hands and moved her mouth soundlessly to show that walls have ears. 玛丽做着手势,又努了努嘴,暗示隔墙有耳。