Doctor Perry
He lifted his head again to breathe. He saw the shore very near. From behind, he felt the water rush toward him, almost pushing him, helping him. He kicked and shouted as loud as he could. Then a great grey body hit him. It almost rolled him over in the water. He touched the shore with his fingers and pulled himself up the stones. The shark excited by the smell of blood and the chase went after him. Its great body crashed against the stones. It rolled and turned as it dropped back into the water. The other sharks jumped on it. The end came quickly as the shark's blood turned the water red. The injured shark was eaten alive as it tried to escape.
Doctor Perry slowly got to his feet. So, he said, "You did not get me. " He looked down at the sharks still eating, even though, they were full of food. He climbed up the stones and walked toward the village.他再次抬起头来呼吸。他看到海岸就在眼前。而后面,他感觉到水冲向他,几乎推着他,帮着他前进。他踢打着并扯开嗓子大喊大叫。然后一个巨大的灰色的身体撞到了他。这几乎使他在水里翻跟头。他的手指触到了海岸,他抓着石头把自己向上拉。鲨鱼闻到血味很兴奋,继续在他后面追赶。它那巨大的身体撞在了石头上。它翻滚着掉回海里。其他鲨鱼扑向它。结果来得很快,鲨鱼的血把海水染红了。那条受伤的鲨鱼活着就被吃掉了,而它在还试图逃跑。
——译文来自: 左氏在线english |