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发表于 2016-8-2 11:01:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



特别提示:文中Michael 为男声,Li Hua为女声,只需听写男生的英文对话部分即可,只听写Michael说的英文部分哦!!!中文部分不需要听写!!!
在这个节目里,我们要请大家听Michael 和李华的对话,大家现在肯定都已经很熟悉Michael和李华这两个在纽约上大学的学生了。李华正在开车和Michael一起去学校。今天李华会学到两个常用语:to be on crack和to get the hang of something。
Li Hua
P.S.如果文中Michael 对话出现的关于to be on crack和to get the hang of something的拼写,不需要写上去~~~





Li Hua? Are you on crack? You can't drive with a flat tire, you'll ruin your car, and probably get in a wreck.
Yes, "crack" as in "crack cocaine". "To be on crack" means to be high on cocaine. Of course, when I say, "Are you on crack?" I really mean "Are you crazy"?
Calm down, Li Hua. People use this phrase all the time. I was just alarmed that you would try to drive your car with a flat tire. You'd have to be on crack to do something crazy like that.
He's going to be traveling in Afghanistan. Is he on crack? Can you imagine how dangerous that place must be right now?
Yeah, well that Ph.D. won't be much good to him if he gets shot. I still think anyone who chooses to go to Afghanistan right now is on crack. It's just crazy.
Don't worry, Li Hua, you're not a terrible driver. You haven't been driving for very long. You'll get the hang of it, eventually.
I said you will "get the hang of it". "To get the hang of something" means to become proficient at something through practice.
I know I'm right. Hey, remember when you first started school, you had trouble with your writing assignments? I think you've gotten the hang of writing English essays now, right?
You've been living in the U.S. for some time now. You must have gotten the hang of a lot of new skills?
And you've gotten the hang of teaching, haven't you? Your students seem to like you.
Absolutely.L: 哟,我的天啊,我车后面的一个轮胎爆了!Michael, 一个轮胎爆了还能开一段路,对不对?
M: Li Hua? Are you on crack? You can't drive with a flat tire, you'll ruin your car, and probably get in a wreck.
L: 哎哟,我也不想弄坏我的车,也不想出车祸。不过,你刚才问我Are you on crack?这是什么意思啊? crack这不是一种毒品吗?on crack不就是吸毒吗?
M: Yes, "crack" as in "crack cocaine". "To be on crack" means to be high on cocaine. Of course, when I say, "Are you on crack?" I really mean "Are you crazy"?
L: 等等,这得弄清楚。你的意思是,to be on crack可以指吸毒,但是你刚才对我说的不是这个意思。你是说:我要在一个轮胎破了的情况下继续开车,简直是疯啦!哎,你可得解释清楚了,我从来不吸毒的!
M: Calm down, Li Hua. People use this phrase all the time. I was just alarmed that you would try to drive your car with a flat tire. You'd have to be on crack to do something crazy like that.
L: 噢,我懂了,你的意思是:我准是吸了毒才会想干这种傻事 -- 轮胎破了还想继续开车。Michael, 我们把轮胎换了吧。现在还来得及。
L: 说到发疯,我认为George Wilkins才真是疯了呢。我听说他要到阿富汗一个村庄去给他的论文做实地调查。
M: He's going to be traveling in Afghanistan. Is he on crack? Can you imagine how dangerous that place must be right now?
L: 我也觉得真是太危险了。不过他想要当国际水平的人类学家。那他就得做出牺牲啦!
M: Yeah, well that Ph.D. won't be much good to him if he gets shot. I still think anyone who chooses to go to Afghanistan right now is on crack. It's just crazy.
L: 就是,要在阿富汗给打死的话,什么博士学位都没用了。行了,轮胎装好了,我们快走吧!
L: 噢,应该让他先走。我开车的技术实在太差了。老是犯这种错误。
M: Don't worry, Li Hua, you're not a terrible driver. You haven't been driving for very long. You'll get the hang of it, eventually.
L: 你说我最后会什么?Get the hang of it?
M: I said you will "get the hang of it". "To get the hang of something" means to become proficient at something through practice.
L: 噢,to-get-the-hang-of-it就是多练习,多实践,一些事情就会做得更好。这不就是中文里说的"熟能生巧"吗?但愿你说得对,我多开车,技术就会改进喽!
M: I know I'm right. Hey, remember when you first started school, you had trouble with your writing assignments? I think you've gotten the hang of writing English essays now, right?
L: 就是哎,我刚来美国的时候不会写学术报告。现在是好多了。
M: You've been living in the U.S. for some time now. You must have gotten the hang of a lot of new skills?
L: 嗯,我在美国已经三年了,是学到不少东西。
M: And you've gotten the hang of teaching, haven't you? Your students seem to like you.
L: 对呀,我在教中文方面也比较熟悉了。I've got the hang of teaching Chinese, 对不对?
M: Absolutely.

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