哈莉特·塔布曼(Harriet Tubman 1822年?-1913年3月10日)是美国废奴主义者,杰出的黑人废奴主义运动家。她本人就是一个逃跑的奴隶,帮助许多黑奴逃亡,被称为“黑摩西”或“摩西祖母”。美国废奴主义运动的领袖约翰·布朗称她为“塔布曼将军”。
Edward Brodas
From a very early age, Harriet knew how slaves suffered. Her parents were slaves. They belonged to Edward Brodas, a farmer in the middle Atlantic state of Maryland. Harriet's parents tried to protect her and their ten other children as much as they could. There was little they could do, however. Slaves were treated like animals. They could be sold at any time. Families often were separated. Slave children were not permitted to act like children. By the time Harriet was three years old, Mister Brodas ordered her to carry notes from him to other farmers. Some of these farmers lived as far as 15 kilometers away. Harriet was punished if she stopped to rest or play. |