Dr. Peterson
So what has changed?
Lifestyles in a nutshell: Mobile phone use, all technology really. Stress levels are considerably higher than they used to be. We're exposed to more chemicals and toxic substances: diesel fumes, pesticides. One type of allergy that has risen considerably is food intolerance. In some places an allergy to soya is very common. This is probably because soya is
present in so many food products these days and our bodies haven't had time to adjust to this change. We don't eat in the same way as we used to. Seasonal food is a thing of the past. Now everything is available all year round.
So. To sum up? Why are allergies on the rise?
Well, if we're summing up I'll keep it brief. Too much bottle-feeding,
an obsession with cleanliness, too few germs and too many convenience foods, too little fresh fruit and veg and an abuse of out-of-season food all-year-round, too many vaccinations and altogether far too much stress.
Dr. Peterson. Thank you very much for coming to the studio today. If viewers would like to read Dr. Peterson's report they can write in to his personal... |