Let's say you have 388 Facebook friends, which is apparently the average.比如说你有388个Facebook好友,这只是平均数字。
Now, take away the people you don't actually like. How many true friends - whose lives and happiness you're emotionally invested in - does this leave?现在,刨除你不喜欢的人,还剩多少真正的朋友——就是你真正关心他们生活和幸福的那种朋友?
Sorry to say this, but whether that number is high or low, you need to halve it.很抱歉这样说,但无论是多是少,你都需要再减半。
Yes, fifty per cent of the people with whom you've laughed, cried, fought and maybe even been in their wedding party, 50 per cent of them don't like you - and there's a study to prove it.对,只有50%是你跟他们一起笑、一起哭、一起奋斗,甚至可能还出席了他们婚礼的,其余的都不喜欢你。我们有研究为证。
Published in online journal Public Library of Science , scientists from both Tel Aviv University and MIT have carried out various social experiments and looked into other studies' findings.研究发表在网络期刊《公共科学图书馆》上,来自特拉维夫大学和麻省理工学院的科学家们进行了多种社会实验,也研究了其他研究成果。
Their aim, according to the Telegraph , was to "determine how many friendships are reciprocal, and how many are one-sided".据《每日电讯报》报道,他们的目的是要“确定有多少友谊是相互的,有多少是一厢情愿的。”
And the findings show we're not able to truly identify which of our circle are true friends, and which are just acquaintances.研究结果表明我们不能真正确定我们的朋友圈里有多少真正的朋友,有多少只能算熟人。
One of the scientists on the project, Dr. Erez Shmueli: "It turns out that we’re very bad at judging who our friends are."参与这个项目的一位科学家Erez Shmueli博士说:“事实证明我们都不擅长判断谁才是真正的朋友。”
"If you think someone is your friend, you expect him to feel the same way. But in fact that's not the case — only 50 percent of those polled matched up in the bidirectional friendship category."“如果你认为某个人是你的朋友,你就以为他也拿你当朋友。但事实并非如此,你的朋友中只有一半真的拿你当朋友。”
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