A new study found that many people who befriend their former lovers are narcissists and psychopaths. 一项新的研究发现:很多喜欢和前任成为朋友的人都是自恋狂和变态。
A new study has sought to uncover why people with "dark personality traits" (such as narcissism, duplicity, even psychopathy) maintain relationships after their expiration. For many people, staying friends with an ex is unthinkable. Even Psychology Today has urged the public not to befriend extinguished flames because: "they are less emotionally supportive, less helpful, less trusting, and less concerned about the other person's happiness." 一项新的研究发现了那些拥有黑暗个性特点(比如自恋,表里不一甚至是变态)的人会在分手后仍然保持恋人关系。对于很多人来说,和前任保持朋友关系是件不可思议的事情。即便是如今的心理学也敦促大众不要和旧情保持朋友关系,因为“这样的关系不太有情感做支撑,对人无益,不值得信任而且和另外一个人的幸福也没有关系。”
In "Staying friends with an ex: Sex and dark personality traits predict motivations for post-relationship friendship," Oakland University researchers Justin Mogilski and Lisa Welling asked 860 subjects to list the motivations for their involvement with their exes. According to the Daily Mail, the researchers also surveyed the subjects to determine who had dark personality traits. "Previous studies have shown that people who score highly for these traits are more likely to pick friends for strategic reasons, and prefer short-term relationships," the Daily Mail reported. The researchers wanted to know if this were true for former lovers, too.在“和前任保持朋友关系:性和黑暗的人性特点预示着后一段关系的动机,”奥克兰大学的研究员贾斯汀和丽莎采访了860个主体,以列出和前任保持关系的动机。根据《每日邮报》称,研究员们也调查了这些主体,从而决定谁有黑暗的人格特点。每日邮报也报道了:“之前的研究表明了:那些在黑暗人格特点方面得分高的人更有可能有目的的去选择朋友,而且也喜欢短期的关系。”研究员们想得知在前任问题方面是不是也是如此。
Dark personality types are most interested in how relationships can be useful to them and that such people may stay connected to [to exes in order to] have access to valuable resources. They also have inside information about their exes vulnerabilities and weaknesses that they can exploit and manipulate which gives them a sense of power and control.黑暗人格类型的人更加感兴趣的是一段关系对他们是否有好处,而且此类人与前任保持联系是为了接近有用的资源。他们对于前任的弱点和缺点都了如指掌因此他们可以开发和利用这些而带给自己一种权力和控制的感觉。
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