It’s a question that has kept people awake at night for centuries: Which way should you lean when you’re going in for a kiss?几个世纪以来让人夜不能寐的问题就是:接吻的时候以什么样的姿势倚靠?
One study found that 80% of people lean right when kissing romantic partners.一项研究发现恋人之间接吻的时候80%都会偏向右边。
But why? In their paper, psychology researchers from the University of Saskatchewan in Canada point to the theory that this habit could be learned in infancy, as babies tend to make more rightward head turns.但是为什么呢?在这篇论文中,加拿大萨斯喀彻温省大学的心理学研究者指出:这一习惯可能是在婴儿时期习成的,因为婴儿会倾向于做向右转动的动作。
But there are some cultural variations, as studies show significantly more left turns for those for those who read languages from right to left, such as Hebrew and Arabic. (Beware, cross-border lovers.)但是也存在一些文化差异,比如研究显示很多从右向左阅读语言的人会偏向于左边,这类语言有希伯来语和阿拉伯语等。(跨境的恋人要注意喽!)
Consistent with earlier research, they found a right-turn bias among images of romantic kissing. However, there was a significant left-turn bias for parental kissing.与之前的研究一致的是,他们发现恋人之间的接吻照片中大都偏向右边。相对而言,父母的亲吻大都偏向左边。
The researchers posit that the parental tendency could be linked to how parents cradle an infant, which predominantly uses the left arm. But they admit more research is needed to test this theory and figure out, once and for all, why we lean in certain directions for certain kisses.研究人员假设父母吻的偏好和父母怎么抚育婴儿有关系,他们主要使用他们的左手。但是他们承认必须通过更多的研究来验证这个理论,并且一劳永逸的证明,为什么我们亲吻的时候要偏向特定的某一方向。
For now, if you’re gathering courage for a romantic kiss and want to avoid any awkwardness, science has your back: It’s best to lean right.那么现在如果你正鼓足勇气来一场罗曼蒂克且不会尴尬的吻,科学家鼓励你:最好是偏向右边吧!
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