Beautiful women, it seems, really do find life easier.对美丽的女人来说,生活似乎真的更容易一些。
Whether it's in the office or in the courtroom, a new study backs up the belief that pretty women can broker deals more easily. 据一项新研究证实,无论是在办公室里还是在法庭上, 美丽的女人都更能轻松地驾驭一场谈判。
This, according to the research, is because beauty overrides the brain's reaction to fairnesss - a fact tied to a subconsciousness rooted in male evolution.根据研究表明,这是由于我们对美的感受会凌驾于我们对公平的反应之上——这种现象与男性在进化过程中产生的无意识心理机能有关。
As part of the study, 21 male students at Zhejiang University in China, were asked to look at 300 photos of Chinese women.在实验过程中,研究人员让浙江大学的21名男学生看300张中国女性的照片。
A different group of men had judged half of the women as attractive and the half unattractive.在此之前,另一组男士已经对这些女性的颜值做出了评判,他们认为这些女性中有一半面容姣好,另一半长相平庸。
The men were then teamed up with some of the women whose faces they had just seen while playing a computer game.接着,研究人员将这些男士与一组女士进行了分组搭对,之前他们曾和这些女士一起玩过电脑游戏,目睹了这些女士的容姿。
In the game, they decided whether to split a small amount of money. At the same time, the researchers studied their brain waves and noted their response times.在游戏中,每组男女都能获得一小笔钱,他们要判断他们是否愿意跟对方分得这笔钱。同时,研究人员会观测这些男士的脑电波,记录他们的反射时间。
They found men were more likely to accept bad deals from attractive women.研究人员发现,男士们更乐意于接受来自漂亮女性的不平等交易。
They were also quicker to respond to fair offers from good-looking women and slower to respond to unfair offers.在面对漂亮女性时,如果分钱的方式是公平的,他们的反应速度也更快。而当分钱的方式不公正时,他们的反应速度则更慢。
Meanwhile, brain scans revealed that men were more sensitive to unfair offers when the woman was unattractive, and felt greater reward when the woman was attractive.同时,通过他们的脑电波扫描,研究者发现,当男士们面对长相平庸的女性时,他们对不公平交易的反应更加敏锐。而面对面容姣好的女性时,他们在分钱过程中获得的满足感也更多。
University of Stirling psychologist Anthony Little, who was not involved in the study told people,it was not entirely clear why we behave differently toward attractive people.并未参与此项目的英国斯特灵大学的心理学教授安东尼·利特评论说,对于人们为什么会对面容姣好的对象特别优待,人们还没有彻底弄清楚原因。
'We appear to have a bias toward being nice to attractive people even when the rewards to ourselves, such as increasing the chance of a date, wouldn't apply,' Little said.“我们倾向于对面容姣好的人更加友善,即使这样做收获甚微,比如说,并不会增加我们与这位漂亮女士去约会的可能性。”
'This suggests our motivations to be nice to attractive people are unlikely to be based on conscious decisions to maximise our own benefits.'“这说明,我们对漂亮女士更加友善的行为动机并不是基于意识层面上的逻辑判断,即并不是基于让自身利益最大化的需求。”
Previous studies have also found a pretty face can be a source of lifelong advantage - beginning at secondary school.之前已经有研究发现,拥有姣好的面容可能成为一个人能终身受惠的一项优势——这一优势从中学阶段就已经凸显出来。 |