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发表于 2016-7-31 14:13:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        It is a well-known maxim that you shouldn't visit the supermarket when feeling hungry, but new research suggests the same is true when going out in search of romance.众所周知,人们不应该在饿的时候去逛超市。但最近的研究表明,人们同样不应该在饿的时候去寻找爱情。
        Both men and women are more likely to be attracted to people who are larger when they go out on an empty stomach. Men, in particular will choose more voluptuous women if they have missed a meal while women go for larger, heavier set men. But scientists warn that when then hunger is sated, they may not feel the same.无论男性或女性,当他们在饥饿状态下出门交际时,都更容易受到胖子的吸引。当男性错过了用餐时间时,他们更容易看上身材丰满的女性,而女人在这种情况下也更倾向于选择体型高大,吨位较重的男性。科学家们警告,当人们不再感到饥饿时,这种感觉不会持续。
        Speaking at the Cheltenham Science Festival Dr Swami said: “Hunger can change your perception of who is attractive. If a man is hungry they prefer slightly larger women in general. For women then generally prefer a slightly heavier man. In studies, they hadn't eaten for about six hours and you could see a real difference in their preferences.”在切尔滕纳姆科学节上,斯瓦米博士说,“饥饿会改变你的审美观。当一个男人感到饥饿的时候,他们通常会(比平时)更喜欢略为丰腴的女性。而女性也通常更喜欢略为健壮的男性。在研究中可以发现,当被研究者六小时未进食之后,他们的偏好就会产生明显的变化。”
        Dr Swami believes that when hungry, people are looking for partners who can supply them with sustenance, and a larger person suggests they have been successful at finding food.斯瓦米博士相信,当人们饥饿的时候,他们会寻找那些能为自己提供物质保障的伴侣。如果一个对象体态丰腴,正说明他(她)是很会寻找食物的。
        However Professor Gareth Leng, of the University of Edinburgh, claims the phenomenon may occur because the same part of the brain, which controls hunger, also controls libido. “There is a good piece of science behind it,” he said: “Sex and hunger are too fundamental drives.”爱丁堡大学的加雷思·冷宁教授持不同观点,他认为,这种现象产生的原因在于,人脑中控制饥饿感的部分也控制着性欲。“这种现象的背后是一条堪称真理的科学规律。”他说,“爱欲和食欲都是人的基本欲求。”
        A part of the brain called the 'ventromedial nucleus' is full of 'cuddle hormone' oxytocin which controls appetite and sex drive. When people are hungry the hormone is being used to promote food cravings rather than sex drive so a person would subconsciously choose a partner who could 'feed them.' But when they are full, oxytocin then starts to promote libido and usual feelings of attraction kick back in.人脑中有一个成为“腹内侧核”的部分,负责施放“拥抱荷尔蒙”催产素,正是这种催产素控制着人的食欲和爱欲。当人们感到饥饿的时候,大脑分泌这种荷尔蒙,以促使人们寻求食物、而不是寻求艳遇,所以人们在这这种情况下会潜意识的寻觅那些可以“喂饱他们”的伴侣。而当人们吃饱了之后,催产素开始刺激性欲,这时人们的审美观又回复到了正常的状态。

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