Alcohol doesn’t get the best of press these days. But researchers say it could be the secret to a happy marriage.酒最近在媒体上没什么好名声,不过研究人员却说,酒是幸福婚姻的秘诀。
Couples who share a bottle of wine at least once a week enjoy marital life far more than those who steer clear of alcohol, they claim.他们声称,那些每周至少共同享用一瓶美酒的夫妻婚姻生活远比那些不喝酒的伴侣幸福。
Researchers questioned more than 1,500 couples about their relationships and drinking habits. They found that concordance – where partners have roughly the same amount of alcohol and at the same time – breeds happiness.研究人员对1500对夫妻进行了问卷调查,询问他们的婚姻关系和饮酒习惯,由此发现了其中的共同点:那些酒量差不多,饮酒时间一致的夫妻能培养出幸福感。
The authors also discovered that satisfaction with domestic life rose with every occasion partners share a tipple.该研究作者还发现,每当伴侣们共饮美酒时,他们对家庭生活的满足感便会上升。
Women were four times more likely to be happy if they drank at least once a week with their partner than if they never do. Meanwhile, men were more than three times more content.对于那些每周至少跟另一半喝一次酒的女性来说,她们的幸福感是从不喝酒的女性的四倍。而对于男性来说,这一比例超过了三倍。
The study, by a team from the University of Otago in New Zealand, stated: ‘A graded association was evident between time spent drinking as a couple and the odds of a couple being happy.这项由新西兰奥塔哥大学一研究小组得出的结果声称“饮酒时间长短和伴侣间感觉幸福的几率有很大关系”。
‘The more frequently a respondent drank with their partner, the more likely they were to report their relationship as happy.’被调查者跟另一半饮酒时间越频繁,他们感到幸福的可能性更大。
Moderate drinkers who enjoyed alcohol together at least once a week were the most satisfied of all with 91 per cent enjoying each other’s company.91%适度饮酒者在有另一半的陪伴下每周至少饮酒一次时最能感到满足。
Among the same group, love of marital life fell away to 88 per cent where partners coincided between one and three times a month and only 69 per cent where they never shared a drink.在同一组调查中,当夫妻之间每个月只共同饮酒1-3次时,幸福感下降到88%,而当双方从不一起饮酒时,幸福感下降到69%。
Contentment dropped with every heavy-drinking partner added to a relationship. However, unhappiest of all (54 per cent) were those who never shared a drink even though one half of the pair consumed a lot of alcohol.然而当伴侣间有一人为重度嗜酒者时,满足感也会下降。在所调查的不幸福情侣中,58%的情侣从不共同饮酒,即使其中一方为重度嗜酒者,饮酒量很大。
John Duffy, a public health lecturer at Birmingham University, said: ‘Alcohol gets too much of a bad press these days so it is refreshing to read a positive example of how it is an integral part of our culture.’伯明翰大学的大众健康讲师John Duffy说:“酒类最近在媒体上臭名昭著,所以在看到这样一篇关于酒类在文化中的积极作用的例子确实让人很振奋。”
Study author Jessica Meiklejohn insisted that more research was needed to explain why alcohol was linked to increased contentment.该研究作者Jessica Meiklejohn也强调,关于酒类为什么会增加满足感,也需要进一步的研究。
‘It is important to note that regardless of concordance in a relationship, the presence of heavy drinking is detrimental to happiness in the relationship as well as being harmful in many other ways,’ she said.她说:“必须指出的是,除了酒类在伴侣关系中的积极作用,重度嗜酒对于婚姻关系和其他方面的破坏作用一样大。” |