A new piece of research suggests that men who have regular features are likely to stay in better mental shape throughout their lives.
Published in the journal Evolution and Human Behaviour, the study compared reasoning and reaction time test scores with measurements of facial symmetry in 216 men and women studied since 1932.
这项研究发表在《进化与人类行为》杂志上,对比了自1932 年开始研究的216 位经过测量面部匀称的男性和女性在测试推理和反应时间时的分数。
It found that facial symmetry in men – but not women – was linked to the effects of aging on mental processes. George Clooney,Brad Pitt and Jude Law are all celebrities with high degrees of facial symmetry.
Women may not show the same association because of genetic differences or the fact that they live four years longer than men on average, the scientists believe. Mental functions decline especially rapidly in the last four years before death.
科学家们认为,女性没有显示出相同关联可能是因为遗传差异或女性平均寿命比男性长4 年。精神功能衰退在死前的最后四年尤为迅速。
According to the results, men with higher levels of facial symmetry, having faces with matching left and right sides, were less prone to mental decline between the ages of 79 and 83.
根据研究结果,男性的面部越匀称——左半边脸和右半边脸对称——在79 岁到83 岁之间精神就越不容易衰退。
Facial symmetry may be a reflection of stability in men,indicating fewer disturbances such as diseases, toxins, malnutrition or harmful genetic mutations during an individual’s development.
“Previous research has suggested that cognitive decline is an aspect of body-wide ageing. This link could show that facial symmetry can be used as a marker which could predict this decline,” Dr Lars Penke, from the University of Edinburgh, who led the study, said.
Studies conducted in the past have already established associations between facial symmetry and general health and perceived attractiveness.
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