One may imagine that the world's most expensive tea might have some curative properties, but using panda feces as a fertilizer definitely seems a little bizarre. An Yashi, a college lecturer at Sinchuan University who is developing the tea, explains, "Pandas have a very poor digestive system and only absorb about 30 percent of everything they eat. That means their excrement is rich in fibres and nutrients."你可能会觉得世界上最贵的茶叶可能含有某些药物成分,但是用熊猫粪便来做肥料感觉有点怪怪的。四川大学一位名叫安琰石的大学老师正在种植这种茶叶,他说:“熊猫的消化系统很弱,吃进去的东西熊猫只能消化30%。也就是说它们的排泄物里富含各种纤维和营养物。”
Yashi believes that his tea blend may be able to fetch up to about $36,000 per pound. He collects the excrement from a panda breeding center in southern China.安琰石认为自己的茶叶能够达到每磅3万6钱美元高价。他从中国南方的一个大熊猫繁殖中心收集大熊猫的粪便。
Somewhat similarly, the world's most expensive coffee comes from the droppings of the civet, a cat-like mammal. Who knew that feces could be the key to such delicacies?无独有偶,世界上最贵的咖啡也是从麝香猫的粪便里来的。谁知道粪便会不会是绝顶美味的重要元素呢?
http://you.video.sina.com.cn/api/sinawebApi/outplayrefer.php/vid=65086023_1_aBi0GiVsWzTK+l1lHz2stqkM7KQNt6nknynt71+iJAtcXQWJZorfO4kK5izWCMlC828/s.swf |