China gave the country's top science award on Tuesday to physicist Xie Jialin, a pioneer in particle acceleration, and architect Wu Liangyong, whose research is guiding the nation's urbanization.周二,中国国家最高科技奖揭晓,荣获这一殊荣的分别是在粒子加速领域具有开创贡献的物理学家谢家麟和提出了中国城市化理念的建筑家吴良镛。
The laureates, both members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Wu is also a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering), were each awarded the State Top Scientific and Technological Award by President Hu Jintao at a ceremony held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. In addition, they received a bonus of 5 million yuan ($793,870).两位获奖者都是中国科学院院士(吴良镛同时也是中国工程院院士)。中国国家主席胡锦涛在人民大会堂为获奖者颁奖,两位国家最高科技奖获得者不仅获得了荣誉,还各得到了500万元的奖金(约合79万美元)。
China has been offering annual awards - considered the country's answer to the Nobel Prize - to elite scientists for 12 consecutive years since 2000, and 20 have been honored so far.国家最高科技奖被誉为是中国的诺贝尔奖,自从2000年颁奖以来,已经连续12年授奖给中国顶尖的科学家,迄今为止,共有20位科学家获此殊荣。
Xie is best known for helping China build its first high-energy electron linear particle accelerator in 1964 and for contributing to the research and design of the Beijing Electron Positron Collider in the 1980s.谢家麟于1964年制造出了中国第一台高能电子直线加速器,并在上世纪80年代,参与了北京正负电子对撞机的研究。
Wu earned his reputation studying the history of human settlement in China and applying the lessons learned to problems with China's urbanization.吴良镛以研究人居环境科学而著称,并将其融入到了中国城市化的研究中。 |