苹果 的23772.jpg
Ask yourself, is it good that a company headquarters is roughly the size of the Pentagon? Or should that be a red flag? I jest. Somewhat. But that's basically the size of Apple's new building, proposed by CEO Steve Jobs, although a bit of a smaller footprint overall. Check out the graphic below from the Mercury News. 试想一下,某个公司的总部办公楼和五角大楼一个规模,好还是不好呢?它会不会成为众矢之的呢?开个玩笑。但是据乔布斯表示,苹果的新总部办公楼正是这个尺寸,尽管总体的实际办公区域更小了。一起来看看水星报提供的对比图。
In a presentation before the Cupertino City Council on June 7, Jobs said, "Apple's growing like a weed."6月7日,在库比蒂诺城市委员会做演说之前,乔布斯表示,“苹果的发展如雨后春笋一般。”
He said they have almost 12,000 people in the area and were renting buildings at an ever greater radius from their campus. They have a plan that allows them to stay in Cupertino and "continue to pay taxes." Apple bought some land formerly owned by Hewlett Packard, and have designed an unusual building.他表示,苹果总部的办公人员数量已达12000人,并且租来的办公区域的辐射半径正在持续扩大。他们的计划是让所有人员都能留在库比蒂诺并且能够“继续贡献税收”。苹果之前买了一段曾属于惠普公司的地皮,并且设计了一座造型奇异的办公楼。
"It's a little like a spaceship landed," Jobs told the council. Here's what the building will have:“它看起来就像是一架着陆的宇宙飞船,”乔布斯在委员会上说。以下是该建筑的一些数据:
• 4 stories high• 楼高4层
• 3.1 million square foot sphere of glass• 310万平方英尺玻璃球面结构
• energy-generating center发电中心
• 150 acres of land• 总占地150亩
• capable of holding 12,000• 可容纳12000人
• auditorium• 大礼堂
• employee gym• 员工健身房
• cafeteria that can hold 3,000 people• 可容纳3000人的咖啡厅
• some aboveground but mostly underground parking• 大部分位于地下、小部分位于地上的停车场
• research facilities• 科研设施完备
• move-in: 2015• 投用时间:2015年
• 6,000 trees and apricot orchards• 6000棵树木以及若干片杏园
• 80 percent of the land will be landscaped• 百分之八十的区域会被打造成园林式景观 |