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发表于 2016-7-30 10:15:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        An artist has sparked a debate about what women's skirt lengths say about the wearer.一名艺术家最近引发了一场争论,争论的内容是:女人裙子的长度能否说明这个女人是什么样的人。
        Rosea Lake, 18, who is studying graphic design and illustration at Capilano University in Vancouver, posted a photograph titled Judgements to her Tumblr account.18岁的罗茜·莱克目前正在温哥华的卡普兰大学学习平面设计及插画,她在Tumblr上发布了一张照片,照片题为“评判”。
        The image shows a woman from behind with ten words written up her left leg indicating various hemlines, with 'matronly' scrawled at the bottom of her calf and 'whore' seen just below her buttocks.图片的内容是一名女子的背影,左腿上写有十个词,表示不同的裙边长度。小腿的最下方涂写的文字是“主妇”,而臀部下方的部位写的是“妓女”。
        Resting under her knee is the label 'proper' while 'flirty' sits above.在她膝盖下方的标注是“得体”,在此之上则是“轻浮”。
        In just two weeks Miss Lake's photo has attracted more than 270,000 comments as it has been shared on various social networking sites.短短的两周之内,莱克小姐的照片下已有27万余条评论,这张照片也被分享到了各个社交网站上。
        One commentator wrote on Facebook: 'It doesn't go down to the ankle, would that be graceful or elegant? I think so.'一个评论者在Facebook上写道:“还没有拍到脚踝的地方。到脚踝的裙子会不会用优雅来形容?我觉得会的。”
        While another showed their distaste adding: 'Sure, let's judge women like we did in the 1600's. Disgusting!'另外却有人表达了对此的反感:“对,我们就像17世纪时那样评价女性吧。真恶心!”
        However Laura Beck of Jezebel said: 'This picture really resonates with me. Like many women, I've been subjected to confirm my skirt was long enough at school and been asked, while wearing a maxidress, why I was so covered up. There's some days a lady just can't win.'然而Jezebel网站的罗拉·贝克说:“这张照片真的引发了我的共鸣。和其他很多女生一样,我在学校里必须确保自己的裙子足够长。而我穿长裙时,却又会有人问我为什么要把自己包得这么严实。有时候女人无论怎么做别人都有意见。”



        Miss Lake, who shot the picture when she was 17 as part of a high school project, said she wanted the piece to stop people jumping to conclusions when it comes to women and the way they dress.莱克小姐在17岁的时候拍摄了这张照片,这是她在高中的一个课题。她说她希望人们不要一看到女人裙子的长度就直接对她下定论。
        She told The Province: 'I realized that when I looked at a woman in a short skirt I automatically thought ‘slut’ - I felt bad about that.、她告诉The Province网站的记者:“我意识到,当我看到一个穿短裙的女人时,我自然而然就会想到‘荡妇’,我觉得这样很不好。”
        'And I thought all women who wore hijabs were being oppressed. I thought about slut shaming and thought we need to get to a place where we are not judgmental.'“另外,我觉得带头巾的女性也一直受到压迫。会想到‘荡妇’我觉得很羞愧,我认为我们不应该轻易对别人做出评价。”
        Due to demand she is now planning on selling prints of Judgements, however she says one minor tweak must be made first as the word 'prudish' is spelled incorrectly, 'I didn’t catch that when I first did it. But for prints or other stuff I will fix it,' she explained.鉴于大家的需求,她正打算出售“评判”的印刷品,不过她说还需要做一个小改动,因为“prudish”(拘谨)这个词拼错了。“我一开始拍照片的时候没有发现。不过如果是要印出来的话我会把这个改掉,” 她说道。

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