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女人更关注女人:身材衣着发型 统统打量个够!









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发表于 2016-7-30 10:15:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Ever get the feeling your boyfriend is looking at other women as you walk down the street? Well, perhaps he's picking up the habit from you. 是不是有这种感觉,你的男友跟你走在街上的时候看别的女人?好吧,也许他是从你这儿学来的习惯。
        Women spend more time checking out other women than they do checking out men, keen to see what 'the opposition' is wearing, how much cellulite they have, what their hair looks like and how thin they are, according to a new study. 根据一项新的研究发现,比起观察男人,女人更喜欢花更多时间观察别的女人,热衷于看“对手”穿什么,她们有多少脂肪,她们的发型如何以及她们多瘦。
        Clocking other women's shoes, height, cellulite, where their handbag is from and whether or not they have had plastic surgery is the usual thought process, the study found.研究发现,暗暗记下别的女人穿的鞋、她们的身高胖瘦,她们包在哪买的以及她们是不是整过容,是女人们通常的思维过程。
        Others check out women to see if they are thinner than them, while trying to spot dark or unflattering hair roots is also commonplace, while looking out for wedding rings is also on the checklist.有些会看别的女人是否比自己瘦,还有比较常见的是试图找到对方暗色或者坏掉的发根,另外有没有带婚戒也在女性的观察列表中。



        Half of the 2,000 women polled by online retailer Swimwear 365 said they 'enjoy' comparing themselves to women they work with, befriend or pass in the street.接受在线零售商“泳装365” 调查的2000位女士中,有一半承认她们“享受”与同事、朋友以及路上碰到的同性比较的过程。
        And the beach is the place where most female ogling goes on, with 80 per cent of those polled saying they love having a good look at other women when they are sunbathing.海滩是大部分女性观察的好地方,而80%的受访者说她们在日光浴时会认真地观察其他女人。
        A competitive one in ten women said they always want to look better than 'the opposition', but a more realistic 40 per cent said they don't compare themselves to other women in a spiteful way.十个里至少有一个女人承认说她们总是希望自己比同性看起来更好,不过也有更现实的受访者,40%的女性表示她们不会恶意地跟其他女人比较。
        The study also found one in five like to guess what country other women are from, 43 per cent like to check out their swimwear and one in twenty like to critique their tans.研究还发现,五分之一的女性喜欢猜测其他女人来自哪个国家,有43%的女性喜欢观察泳衣,5%喜欢评价肤色。
        Nearly half of those polled said they compliment women they don't know on how they look, with the most likely compliment to be about their clothes. 将近一半的受访者说她们一般会赞扬她们不认识的女人的长相,最有可能是欣赏她们穿的衣服。



        Of those surveyed half said they get a genuine buzz when women they don't know give them a compliment on how they look, but a cynical 43 per cent of say they don’t believe it when a man pays them a compliment. 受访者中有一半说,如果听到不认识的同性表扬她的打扮,她们真的会高兴得晕头转向。不过具有讽刺意味的是,有43%的受访女性说她们不相信男人的夸奖。
        Helen Boyle, stylist for Swimwear365, said: 'There is not a woman on the planet who doesn't love people-watching and having a sneaky look at other women.海伦·博伊尔是“泳装365”的造型师,她说:“这个星球上没有一个女人不爱被人家看和偷偷地看别的女人。”
        'It's only natural that we compare ourselves and the way we look to how other women dress, do their hair and, of course, their figure.“这是很自然的,我们会拿自己和自己的打扮跟别的女人比,她们穿得如何,发型怎样,当然还有身材。”
        She added: 'Women check-out other women because they can relate to them and they know how hard it can be to keep a trim figure or maintain healthy hair, so there is obviously a genuine interest in how other females look.她补充到:“女人观察同性是因为她们可以联系到自己,她们知道要保持苗条和健康的头发多么困难,因此观察别的女性的样子,才是让女性真正感兴趣的东西。”
        'Equally when you receive a flattering remark from a woman you don’t know, it does mean more than if it came from a man perhaps as you think they may have an ulterior motive.' “同样的,当你得到不认识的同性夸赞的时候,会比从一个男人那里听到更为有意义,因为你可能会觉得男人别有用心。”




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