发表于 2016-7-29 09:38:16
Idol worship is a hot topic during the growth of aperson.In the changing period of juveniles' life,rapiddevelopment of body and psychology often leads todifficulty in adaption and imbalance in emotion.Inthis period,a good example to follow andparents'proper guidance are helpful for juveniles'growth and development.Life is a process ofconstant imitation,learning and innovation.During the process of growth,juveniles needparents'guidance and friends'encouragement.Guided properly,idol worship is helpful in shapinggood behaviors.For idol worship,knowing it,accepting it and applying it is a positive way.
1.热门话题:可译为hot topic,也可译为hot issue。
3.适应上的困难和情绪上的失衡:可译difficulty inadaption and imbalance in emotion。
4.在成长的过程中:可译为During the process ofgrowth。
5.正确引导:可译为(be) guided properly,即“恰当地引导”。