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发表于 2016-7-29 08:32:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式






  Have you ever heard of a pangolin?
  A lot of people haven't.
  It's also known as a scaly anteater.
  Conservation groups say it's the world's mostillegally trafficked mammal.
  The U.S. government is being asked to designateseven species as endangered.
  Born Free USA's Rosalyn Morrison says pangolins once occupied large areas of Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.
  “Pangolins are indeed the most threatened mammals in the world right now.
  And there are eight species in the world.
  There are four in Asia and four in Africa.
  They are mammals,and they're covered in scales from their head to their tail.
  The scales are made of keratin,which is the same ingredient that's in our nails.”
  Born Free USA and others are asking that seven of the eight pangolin species be protectedunder the U.S.Endangered Species Act.
  One already has been listed as endangered.
  “They're basically endangered because parts of Asia and parts of Africa believe that their scaleshave medicinal value.
  And so they're highly sought after for their scales and their meat,which is considered a delicacyin many different countries in Asia and Africa.”
  China and Vietnam are the biggest markets for illegal pangolin products,as they are for ivoryand rhino horns.
  “Even though they're so endangered,most people don't even know they exist.
  They could go extinct before people even heard about them.
  The reason most people haven't heard about them is they're nocturnal.
  They're highly elusive.
  So,it's extremely hard for scientists to come across them in the wild and they can't be bred incaptivity.
  Rarely any,if any,exist in zoos.
  I think they're about three in zoos worldwide.”
  Their populations are falling fast.
  “We have found that more than 960,000 pangolins were illegally traded over the past decade.
  So,when you compare those numbers to elephants and rhinos it is a much,much,much largerscale.”
  There is a market in the U.S. for illegal pangolin products.
  Getting the mammals included in the Endangered Species Act would ban the import and sale ofthe animals or their parts.
  Morrison says it would also heighten awareness about the mammal with the very long,stickytongue.
  Morrison said loss of the pangolins could damage ecosystems.
  “They regulate insects.They eat ants and termites.
  So,if we lose pangolins,there would be a cascading effect on the ecosystem.”
  Born Free USA is joined in petitioning the U.S.government by the Center for BiologicalDiversity,Humane Society International,The Humane Society of the United States and theInternational Fund for Animal Welfare.
  1.heard of 听过;听说过
  例句:After his beating Colin ran away and hasn'tbeenheard of since.
  2.ask to 邀请…参加…
  例句:Ask to speak to the sister on the ward.
  3.come across 遇见;碰见
  例句:Did he come across as a sane rational person?
  4.compare to 把…比作,喻为
  例句:It's instructive to compare his technique with Alan Bennett's.

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