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发表于 2016-7-29 08:32:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式






  Two rights groups said violence affects about onebillion children every year and its consequences costeconomies seven trillion dollars annually. The NGOssaid while violence against women and girls hasgained more attention, violence against boys hasnot. It’s a leading cause of death for adolescentboys in many parts of the world.
  The groups Without Violence and Together for Girls said violence against children is a majorchallenge to development. They say that “continued exposure to violence – whether as avictim or a witness – has significant detrimental effects on a child’s brain.” Those effectsinclude post-traumatic stress leading to social, emotional and behavioral problems.
  Lisa Witter is executive director of Without Violence or as she describes herself, the group’s“chief optimist.”
  She said, “Violence against children is an issue that happens all around the world – in everycountry, in every income level of the home and whether the parents are educated or not. Andviolence against children happens everywhere. We’ve learned in talking about the issue ofviolence that different people have definitions about what violence against children is. Is itmental abuse? Is it physical abuse? Is it corporal punishment? Is it war? It’s all of it. We’rereally looking at reducing violence in any setting and in any way against children.”
  Witter said girls are especially vulnerable to sexual violence and child marriage, which she alsoconsiders a form of violence.
  “Girls are much more likely to be married under the age of 18 than boys. And this is a realviolent act. It’s not under her own will and they should be girls, not brides.”
  As for boys, she said, “One in five victims of homicide are children and boys account for 70percent of them. Real, harsh violence is really a big issue for boys. Sexual violence, as I said,is a big issue for girls, but 73 million boys under the age of 18 experience sexual violence. Sowhile girls are at a higher risk factor for it, it’s a boys’ issue. And then the other issue we thinka lot about are child soldiers. There are an estimated 250,000 child soldiers in the world and 90percent of them are boys.”
  She also said that 156 million men alive today were married as children.
  Witter and Michele Moloney-Kitts, head of Together for Girls, have written an opinion piece inwhich they said, “Violence is like a transmitted disease – and growing up around violence is thesingle best predictor that a child will go on to become either a victim or perpetrator of violenceas adults.”
  They said that gender norms make it difficult for boys to admit they are victims of violence. Infact, on average, men who finally disclose they were sexually assaulted do so 22 years afterthe assault occurred. That’s about 10 years later than women.
  To help boys become less vulnerable to violence, the NGOs recommended parentingprograms for caregivers. School-based programs, they say, can teach adolescents about “safedating practices.” Mentoring programs have shown success in preventing homicides or joininggangs.
  The groups want the issue included in the new U.N. Sustainable Development goals that will befinalized in September. Witter said life can be better for every child if U.N. members invest inbreaking the cycle of violence.
  “I care deeply about boys and girls, you know. And I want to reduce violence against girls and Iwant to reduce violence against boys. I’m a mother of two young boys, six and eight, and thisstuff is very personal to me. We can’t stop the cycle of violence unless we focus on boys andgirls. What we want to do is just continue through the U.N. process and through talking tocompanies and through talking to communities and help scaling things that we know that workso that we reduce violence,” she said.
  In related news, at the Third International Conference for Financing for Development in AddisAbaba this week, a global partnership was announced to end violence against children.

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