有一些句子,我们英语口语中可能经常用到,但我们的表达却不地道。下面跟着小编来看看这些“中式英语”,然后一起来改掉它们吧! 1.我的夹克破了。
误:My jacket is broken.
正:My jacket is torn. 2.医生给李磊把了脉。
误:The doctor examined Li Lei.
正:The doctor felt Li Lei’s pulse. 3.我把手套落在车上了。
误:I forget my gloves in the car.
正:I left my gloves in the car. 4.这本书上有我写的文章。
误:The book has my article.
正:The book carries my article. 5.不穿外套的话,你会感冒的。
误:You’ll have a cold if you don’t wear your coat.
正:You’ll catch a cold if you don’t wear your coat.
(catch强调过程,have强调状态) 6.我得照顾我生病的妹妹。
误:I have to take care of my ill sister.
正:I have to take care of my sick sister.
(ill只能作表语,不能作定语) 7.新来的同事对我十分友好。
误:Our new colleague treats me friendly.
正:Our new colleague treats me in a friendly way. 8.今天是截止日期。
误:Today is the end day.
正:Today is the deadline. 9.我觉得他不会赢。
误:I think he won’t win.
正:I don’t think he will win. 10.你不可能比我早到。
误:You are not impossible to arrive earlier than me.
正:It’s not impossible for you to arrive earlier than me. 11.钱可以买到很多东西。
误:Money can buy lots of things.
正:We can buy lots of things with money. 12.吃太多糖对身体不好。
误:Eating too many candies has many harms for us.
正:Eating too many candies does us a lot of harm. 13.那只金毛咬了她的腿。
误:That golden retriever bit her leg.
正:That golden retriever bit her in the leg.