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7个小窍门:保持快乐心情 收获美好人生









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发表于 2016-7-28 22:19:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        No doubt there are genuinely happy people. However, the majority are not really happy deep inside. Read the article and follow the below-mentioned steps to make yourself a happy individual. These 7 simple things will transform your life and turn your routine into great experience.毫无疑问,有很多真正快乐的人。然而,大多数人内心并没有那么开心。读一读这篇文章,试试下面提到的方法,让自己变成一个幸福的人吧。以下7件简单的小事会改变你的生活,让你的日常生活变成很棒的体验。
        1. Appreciate yourself and your life欣赏自己,为生活感恩
        Never forget that you should be grateful for the things that you have. Be thankful for whatever it is that makes you unique. That might be your sincere friends and family, interesting job, some special skill or talent.永远不要忘记对拥有的一切心怀感激,不论是什么使得你与众不同,都应该感恩。感恩的对象可能是真诚的朋友和家人,可能是有趣的工作,也可能是某些特殊的技能或天赋。
        2. Sharing分享
        If you have some spare money left, there are 2 ways you can use it to stay happier. One is by using your money to promote yourself socially. The other one is to share it with others.如果你有闲钱,可以用两种方法来支配它们,使得自己更加快乐。一种方法是花钱提升自己的社交能力,另一种方法是和他人一起分享。
        3. Avoiding negativity避免负能量
        Avoid drama and look at things from a positive angle. Let you thoughts be as positive as possible. Some call it constructive thinking. Concentrate on the essential things, try to change your life and let others live their own lives. This is not selfish, this is wise.避免吵闹,从乐观的角度看待事情。让自己的思想尽可能充满正能量,有人将其称为建设性思维。将精力集中于最关键的事项,努力改善自己的生活,不要管别人的闲事。这不是自私,这是睿智。
        4. Hope for the better心怀积极的希望
        Look on the bright side and remember that every cloud has a silver lining. If something bad is happening in your life at the moment, look at it as if it were a test for you to pass. Turn negative things into adventures. Do not give up and try to cope with difficulties.多看光明的一面,牢记每片云都有银边。如果此刻生活中发生了不幸的事,把它看作是对你的考验,努力渡过难关。将悲观的事转化为有意义的冒险经历。永不言弃,尽力克服困难。



        5. Appreciate people surrounding you欣赏身边的人
        Without valuing relationships one cannot be truly happy. Think of the people surrounding you more often. There is nothing as important as relationships and contacts. It's communication that makes us happier, not money.不重视人际关系的人永远不会真正快乐。多想想身边的人,没有什么比人际关系和与人联络更为重要的了,沟通交流能让我们更加快乐,而钱财是做不到的。
        6. Do not concentrate on material things不要太看重物质
        Invest your money into something more impressive that will last longer. Buy a parachute drop, go scuba diving, save a bit and buy a trip to an exotic place. This is the real thing!将钱投资于更难忘的事物上,花钱尝试跳伞、水肺潜水,攒点钱去异域游玩。这才是有意义的!
        7. Be passionate充满热情
        Another thing to do to stay happy is to follow your passion. Listen to yourself and see if there is something that can be changed to make you happier. Happy people are not scared of changes and risks.另一件能让你保持幸福的事就是跟随自己内心的热情而动。倾听自己的内心,检视是否可以做出什么改变来让你更加快乐。快乐的人无惧改变和冒险。

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