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发表于 2016-7-28 22:15:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        ‘It's important to listen to your body,' Dr Deyo Famuboni, a GP in London told Healthista.“倾听你的身体很重要,”伦敦的全科医师戴都·伐姆伯尼医生对Healthista网站这样说。
        'This is ever so true - especially when it's trying to warn you that something isn’t right.’“这绝对是真的,尤其当身体想要警告你某个部位有问题的时候。”
        'There are so many subtle signs it gives us, that picking up on them is vital to feeling well and preventing future problems.'“身体给你很多细微的暗示,所以多注意一下很重要,以使身体舒服,避免未来出问题。”
        1. Gaining weigh around the waist腰围增长
        It can put you at risk of developing diabetes and a condition called the metabolic syndrome if it is higher than 31 inches (80cm) as a woman or 37 inches (94cm) as a man.如果女人腰围超过31英寸(80厘米),男人超过37英寸(94厘米),就会有患糖尿病的风险,还可能会出现代谢综合症。
        The risk is substantially higher if the waist is bigger than 34 inches (88cm) as a woman or 40 inches (102cm) as a man.如果女人腰围超过34英寸(88厘米),男人超过40英寸(102厘米),患病风险会大幅提升。
        With high rates of obesity and associated waist circumference, diabetes, which gives us problems with tiredness, frequent urinating and drinking water short term, and long term can affect our vision, circulation and life expectancy is common.重度肥胖和相应的腰围常导致糖尿病,会使我们产生疲劳、多尿和多饮等问题,长期患病就会影响视力、血液循环和寿命。
        Regular exercise and a good diet can keep this in check but talk to your doctor about a test for Type-2 diabetes.定期锻炼和好的饮食习惯能控制糖尿病,但要咨询一下你的医生是否需要做2型糖尿病检查。
        2. Yellow spots around your eyes and or your elbows眼睛或肘部周围有黄斑
        This is a condition known as xanthelasma and is due to fatty deposits just under your skin. It can be sign that your cholesterol level is raised.这被称为黄斑瘤,源于皮下脂肪沉淀,这是胆固醇水平上升的症状。
        A blood test, usually done on a empty stomach, can tell if that is the case. Dietary interventions and exercise can help to reduce this.通常在空腹时验血能知道是否有此类问题。饮食干预和锻炼有助于缓解病症。
        We get concerned about cholesterol because it can be a risk factor for developing problems with the heart or brain such as a heart attack or a stroke respectively.我们关注胆固醇是因为它是危险因素,会引发心脏问题或大脑问题,比如心脏病或中风。
        3. You have darker circles around your eyes眼睛周围有黑眼圈
        Though not getting enough sleep can contribute to this, dark circles could also be due to allergies and frequently itching the eyes or rubbing the nose.虽然睡眠不足会出现黑眼圈,过敏、眼睛经常发痒或蹭鼻子也会引发黑眼圈。
        If the itching is frequent, anti-allergy medications may help.Research suggests probiotics may help to alleviate some allergies.如果频繁发痒,抗过敏药物会有所帮助。研究表明益生菌也有助于缓解某些过敏。
        4. Itchy feet脚部发痒
        You may notice a white scaly or damp rash in between your toes or under the feet. An anti-fungal cream, usually available over the counter can help to treat this. Good hygiene and airing the feet out as often as possible helps with healing and preventing a recurrence.你会注意到脚趾间或脚底有白色鳞状脱皮或湿疹,通常药店就能买到的抗真菌乳膏对此有疗效。好的卫生习惯、经常使脚部透气有助于治愈此类问题,并抑制复发。
        5. Cracks at corners of your mouth嘴角干裂
        This is usually your body telling you to increase your intake of foods rich in B vitamins and iron such as leafy green vegetables, lean meat and eggs.这种情况通常是身体在告诉你要多吃富含B族维生素和铁的食物,比如多叶的绿色蔬菜、瘦肉和蛋类。
        Once dry and cracked, this can become infected. Topical treatment and moisturising usually clears it up.一旦干裂就会感染,局部治疗和保湿通常能清理掉脱皮。



        6. Very itchy rash很痒的皮疹
        Especially if it doesn't improving despite using creams available over the counter, this can be a sign of coeliac disease.特别是如果你使用药店就能买到的乳膏还没好的话,就可能是乳糜泻(一种慢性消化肠道疾病)的症状。
        This affects the lining of the gut, making it difficult to absorb nutrients. The skin can therefore be affected.It can cause chronic damage to the bowels. It is important to know if you have this condition as strictly avoiding gluten is the main treatment and leads to it resolving.这影响肠道内壁,造成吸收营养困难,因此影响皮肤,会对内脏造成慢性损伤。知道你是否属于这种情况很重要,因为绝对避免进食麸质食品是主要疗法,最终能解决掉这个问题。
        7. Thinning hair头发稀少
        Your iron levels may be low or on the lower side of normal. This can be problematic for women especially as we may be health conscious and refrain from animal products rich in iron.你体内的铁含量可能低了,或低于正常水平,这对女人来说是个问题,尤其当我们关注健康、不吃富含铁的动物产品的时侯。
        Having a thyroid problem can also affect the hair. A blood test can tell if its due to these problems. Increasing iron rich foods or taking a supplement if it’s low can help.甲状腺有问题也会影响头发,验血能知道是否是由这些问题造成的。如果缺铁,多吃富含铁的食物或补铁会有所帮助。
        8. Brittle nails指甲易损
        This usually happens if we over-expose the nails to wet, damp conditions or frequently use nail polish.如果指甲过度暴露在潮湿环境中或频繁涂指甲油,通常会发生这种情况。
        Moisturising the nails regularly can help and using a supplement with biotin (vitamin b7) may be effective.定期为指甲保湿会有点帮助,补充生物素(维生素B7)也有效。
        It can sometimes be a sign of a fungal infection, psoriasis, thyroid problems, or arthritis.有时也是真菌感染、牛皮癣、甲状腺问题或关节炎的症状。
        If due to these conditions, one would usually have other symptoms such as a rash, fatigue, painful joints. Do seek advice from your doctor.如果出现这些状况,通常会有其他症状,会出现皮疹、疲劳、关节痛等,征求一下你医生的意见。
        9. Constipation便秘
        This is your body telling you to increase the fibre and water in your diet.这是你的身体在告诉你饮食中要增加纤维和水。
        We need both insoluble (such as wheatbran, whole-grains) and soluble fibres (including oatbran and pulses) to prevent constipation and help decrease cholesterol levels.我们既需要不可溶性纤维(比如麦麸、全谷物)也需要可溶性纤维(包括燕麦麸和豆类)来避免便秘,也助于降低胆固醇水平。

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