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发表于 2016-7-28 22:15:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        If you are constantly tossing and turning during sleep and you do not get a good sleep, it threatens the negative consequences for your body. Poor sleep can lead to weight gain and immunocompromised.如果你经常辗转反侧无法入眠,那必定会危害健康。睡眠不好会导致体重增加、免疫力下降。
        Tired and weakened body can not work properly. It will not able to provide you a good sleep.疲倦虚弱的身体自然也无法正常运转,无法保证良好睡眠。
        To avoid this necessarily discard these 6 things before going to bed:想避免这些,那睡觉之前千万不要做这6件事哦!
        1. Eating foods high in fat 吃高脂肪食物。
        Fatty foods strongly loads on your stomach. It is difficult for it to digest all food and it has to work more than usual when you're sleeping, instead of rest. Your body spends a lot of energy for the processing of fatty foods. It makes you feel sluggish. Do not eat ice cream and fast food, especially before bedtime. 高脂肪食物会增加肠胃负担,原本就难消化,睡觉时肠胃还得不到休息,那负担就更重了。身体消化高脂肪食物需要消耗很多能量,结果导致整个人精神不振。所以,睡觉前不要吃冰激凌和快餐哦!
        2. Do not stare at screens or monitors 不要盯着手机电脑屏。
        A lot of people like to watch their favorite TV show and films in bed, or browse the information in a laptop. Blue light of some similar device radiate bad affects on your brain. Your brain can not relax and realize that the body has time to sleep. This will prevent you to sleep well. Better read the book. This will give your brain relax. Reading will help you tune in a dream. 很多人喜欢躺床上追剧看电影上网,或者在笔记本上浏览新闻。其实,屏幕蓝光辐射对大脑有危害。大脑得不到休息,也意识不到是时候去睡觉了。自然,你也不可能睡好。睡觉前还是读读书吧,至少大脑可以得到休息。阅读还有助于做个好梦。
        3. Cardio load 太多有氧运动。
        Activity in a gym is nice and good for your health and body, but not before bedtime. These things are always in the gym heartbeat quickens. It is hard for your body to calm down and it will be hard to fall asleep for you. Try to complete the exercises in a gym for three hours before your bedtime. And do not load in the evening yourself with hard and long workouts. 去健身馆运动对身体大有好处,但睡前就未必了。运动健身少不了心跳加快,身体一时难以平静下来,又怎么能快速入睡呢?运动尽量还是在睡前三四小时去健身馆做吧,晚上就不要折腾自己了。
        4. Work till late 熬夜工作。
        If you know that in the morning you have an important meeting or a lot of work throughout the week, try to do more work in advance. Do not perform work until going to bed. Do some work that you need, then let rest for your brain for at least an hour and only then you can go to bed.如果你知道隔天有重要会议,或本周事情繁多,那就提前把工作安排妥当。不要熬夜伏案工作。只处理一些必须的,然后让大脑休息一小时,去睡觉吧。
        5. Caffeine 摄入咖啡因。
        Caffeine gives you cheerfulness. It is found in coffee, tea, and even chocolate. And alcohol also has such affects on our body. All of these drinks make you overexcited. Of course it all depends on how much caffeine your body can handle. Try not to drink all of the above for a few hours before bedtime. It is necessary for your body to have time to get rest and calm down. 咖啡因让人精神振奋,茶和巧克力也是,酒精对人体也有同样效果。所有这些饮品都会引起情绪亢奋——自然,这也得看你摄入量多少。所以,睡前尽量不要喝这些东西。毕竟,身体需要安静休息。
        6. Emotional excitement 情绪过于兴奋。
        Emotional excitement will never help you to relax before sleeping. Try not to look anxious evening movies, do not swear to any of your friends or relatives and avoid reading exciting books. Do not pay attention to any external irritants. Prefer an interesting novel, take a hot tub, have a drink tasty herbal tea. This will help you get ready for bed and have a wonderful dream. 睡前情绪兴奋绝对让你无法放松下来。所以,不要看恐怖的夜间电影,不要跟亲朋好友怄气,也不要看让人兴奋的书籍。总之,不要接触任何刺激源。你可以读有趣的小说,泡个热水澡,喝杯草药茶,然后准备上床做个好梦。

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