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发表于 2016-7-28 22:14:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        When you're out to eat, ordering a vegetable soup is a way healthier move than reaching into the bread basket. But it's not just about the calories you'll save. Hot liquids can also help you feel more full, so you'll actually eat less by the time your entrée comes. Since it's summer (and hot soup is not what you want right now) we found three additional appetite-reducing foods that will help you feel full and reach your weight loss goals:当你下馆子吃饭的时候,点一份蔬菜汤而不是伸手去抓面包篮里的面包,这当然是一种更健康的饮食方式。不过这并不仅仅是因为你减掉了多少卡路里热量。热饮更容易让你产生饱腹感,所以喝过热汤以后,等真的上菜了,你就会吃得更少。现在正值夏天(想必热汤不是你的首选),我们找到了三种能减少食欲的食物,让你能感到饱腹的同时,又达到减肥的目标,为你的减肥大计锦上添花。
        Spinach Salad菠菜沙拉
        Loading up with a plate of this leafy green for an appetizer could help you avoid overdoing it come entrée time. A dose of spinach extract made people feel fuller and reduced their cravings in a new study from the Journal of the American College of Nutrition.进入主食前,来盘这样的绿野沙拉作为开胃菜,能让你避免之后吃太多主食。据《美国营养学院》杂志的最新研究,一份菠菜提取物会让人更容易产生满腹感,降低他们对食物的欲望。
        Spinach also contains membranes called thylakoids, which up the release of satiety hormones and have been shown to reduce cravings for sweet stuff. The result? You'll be less tempted to chow down on dessert when you're done.菠菜还含有一种叫做类囊体的物质,据研究表明,这种物质能够释放足量荷尔蒙,减少人对甜食的欲求。结果呢,当你吃完饭,来份甜点大快朵颐的欲望就减少了。
        An Apple苹果
        Munching on one apple a day is a refreshingly simple diet strategy. Apples are packed with water and fiber to keep you full on relatively few calories. Plus, apples are one of the few fruits that contain pectin, which naturally slows digestion and promotes a feeling of fullness, according to research.一种既简单又小清新范的减肥策略就是每天吃一个苹果。苹果富含水分和纤维素,能让你摄取相对低量卡路里的同时,还不觉得饿。同时,苹果还是少数几种含有果胶的水果之一,研究表明,这种营养元素能让消化的速度自然减慢,促进人体产生饱腹感。
        Additionally, a study in the journal Appetite found that eating a whole apple, as opposed to applesauce or juice, before a meal makes people feel more satiated and eat fewer total calories.不仅如此,还有研究发现,在饭前吃掉一个完整的苹果,比吃苹果酱或喝苹果汁更能让人感到饱腹,摄入的总热量也会有所减少。
        Swap the mayo on your sandwich for a few slices of avocado. You'll get healthy fats and fiber that will help you stay full hours into the afternoon. In fact, women who ate half an avocado at lunchtime felt 22 percent more satisfied and had a 24 percent lower desire to snack three hours later than they did on days when they didn't consume avocado, according to research published in Nutrition Journal. 换掉沙拉上的蛋黄酱,来几片鳄梨吧。你的身体能够摄取健康的脂肪和纤维素,让你在下午的数个小时肚子饱饱的。根据营养杂志刊登,事实上,在午餐时间吃掉半只鳄梨的女性相较于自己从前不吃鳄梨的时候,饱腹感会升高22%,在午饭后三个小时内吃零食的欲望也会降低24%。

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