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发表于 2016-7-28 22:14:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Putting your bra on in the morning may seem likes a completely meaningless task, but according to research by one human behavior expert, the way you snap that clasp closed actually reveals a great deal about who you are as a person.早晨你戴上文胸看似无心之举,可人类行为学专家的研究表明,事实上你搭扣环的方式可以很大程度反映出你的为人。
        The way you put on your bra correlates with four different types of people and personality. There are four distinct personality types - drivers, influencers, supporters, and careful correctors.The survey and observational research focuses on four different behavioral traits: dominance, inducement, submission and compliance. Simple activities such as putting on your bra can give you clues into your inner psyche.戴文胸的方式和四种人的四种性格相关。有四种不同的性格分类:驱动者、影响者、支持者和仔细校正者。这项调查及观察研究聚焦四种不同的行为特征:主导型、诱导型、顺从型及遵从型。像如何穿戴文胸这样简单的行为可以透露出你的内心世界。
        If you use use a back-clasp bra and clasp it in the back you are thought to be a supporter. People who fall into this personality type tend to follow tradition and stay true to what they have been taught. Supporters are friendly, thoughtful and great listeners. When shopping for bras, supporters will mostly likely be found in the fitting room with a group of friends.如果你用后搭扣,且在背后搭好,那你就是支持者。这类性格的人能如一尊崇传统与教导。支持者待人友好、考虑周全、善于聆听。购买文胸时,支持者的更衣室总是有一大圈朋友在。
        Someone who fastens a bra in the front before twisting it to the back is an influencer. Influencers are charismatic and love to be noticed and appreciated, so when it comes to their lingerie they are drawn to bright colors and added details. They appreciate a good sense of humor and like to be challenged and learn new things, however, they have a tendency to get bored easily.在胸前搭好扣子,然后把文胸转到背后的是影响者。影响者富有领导力,爱受关注和赏识,所以就内衣而言,亮色系和小细节尤能吸引其注意力。她们欣赏富有幽默感的人,乐于接受挑战与新知,然而,她们也容易对事物兴味索然。
        People who purchase bras that fasten in the front are drivers who refuse to waste time, especially when it comes to trying to clasp a hook they can't see. Drivers value brevity and efficiency, and they tend to be directing, forceful and commanding. Because they are quick to the point, they expect other people to do the same. Because they fear a lack of control, it is important for drivers to be in charge in all aspects of their lives. When it comes to bra shopping they have a no-nonsense attitude.购买文胸选择搭扣在前的人便是驱动者。驱动者不愿浪费时间,尤其不愿把时间浪费在她们看不见的搭扣上。驱动者重视简洁和效率,行为方式更倾向于直接有力、指挥有度。因为他们反应快、一针见血,所以期望别人一样如此。因为害怕失控,所以全方位把握好生活方方面面对驱动者而言尤为重要。在购买文胸时,驱动者态度明快、绝不啰嗦。
        If you fasten your bra and make sure it is properly adjusted before putting it on over your head, you are a careful corrector. People with this personality type like to make sure they are doing things right from the get go. They are cautious analyzers by nature. When bra shopping they will most likely be equipped with accurate measurements and expert recommendations. Careful correctors are discreet and try to avoid attention, which means they may be most comfortable in a sports bra.要是你扣紧搭扣、确保调整适宜,然后再套头的话,你便是仔细校正者。这一类型的人确保事情一开始就步入正轨。她们天生就是谨小慎微的人士。购买文胸时,最有可能事先精确测量好、并带着专家建议而来的。仔细矫正者言行谨慎、避免关注,也就是说,她们可能觉得穿运动文胸最舒服惬意。

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