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发表于 2016-7-28 22:14:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Have you suffered from getting up? Are you a morning person? Well, Want to feel great and rejuvenated about life? After reading this post, you will know exactly how I (and many night owls) trained ourselves to wake up early, and also how your mornings will set yourself up for success. Let's follow the three ninja techniques to get up.你还在为起床而困扰吗?你早晨精力充沛吗?哦?想要感觉良好,让你的生活焕发活力?读完这篇文章,你将彻底了解,我与其他众多夜猫子时如何训练自己早早醒来,以及你的每个早晨将如何让你准备好拥抱成功。接下来让我们一起来看看起床之忍术三部曲。



        Ninja Technique # 1 - How to Jump Over Bamboo Trees起床忍术第一招:跳过竹林的秘诀
        Imagine a Grand Master Ninja nonchalantly jumps over a 5 meter high wall. Crazy, huh?想象一下,一位超级忍者飞跃一堵五米高的墙而面不改色。难以想象,对吧?
        When I decided to change from a night owl to a morning lark, I turned back my alarm clock 15 minutes earlier.当我决心要从夜猫子转变成早起的鸟儿时,我将闹钟调早了15分钟。
        Once my body adjusted few days later, I turned the alarm back another 15 minutes earlier.一旦我的身体在几天后适应了这种时间调整,我便再把闹钟调早15分钟。
        After a month, I wake up at 5:57am sharp every day – 3 minutes BEFORE the alarm clock rings.一个月后,我每天恰好在5点57分醒来,离闹钟响起还有3分钟。



        Ninja Technique # 2 – Send pleasure hormones gushing起床忍术第二招:让愉悦荷尔蒙奔涌起来吧!
        When you were EXCITED, your brains were pumping endorphins, dopamines and adrenalines (pleasure hormones) like a fire hose.当你兴奋时,你大脑中的内啡肽、多巴胺和肾上腺素(这些都是愉悦荷尔蒙)正源源不断地释放出来。
        There are 2 simple steps to help you wake up in time. The first step starts with meditating BEFORE you sleep.这儿有两个简单的法子,能帮助你准时醒来。第一步是睡前沉思
        Step 2, is simply exercising. Contrary to what night owls tell you, exercising gives you MORE energy.第二步便是锻炼。不像夜猫子说的那样,锻炼能使你更为精力充沛。
        Whenever I feel like going back to sleep, a few jumping jacks will just kill the sleepiness. After going for my usual run, I feel physically and emotionally stronger. 每当我觉得困意袭来,做几个开合跳便能立马恢复清醒。在跑步成为我的惯例后,我感觉自己体力增强,也不那么玻璃心了。



        Ninja Technique # 3 - Sleeping Smarter起床忍术第三招:提高睡眠质量
        Over millions of years of evolution, our human body evolved to naturally secrete Melatonin (sleep hormones) in darkness. Melatonin is the hormone that encourages deep, rejuvenated sleep.在经过数百万年的演变进化后,我们人类在黑夜中会自然分泌褪黑激素(睡眠荷尔蒙)。这种荷尔蒙有助于人们熟睡,进行自我修复。
        Recent scientific research found that lights of electronic devices STOP Melatonin at its doorstep. In addition to sunlight, artificial indoor lighting can be bright enough to prevent the release of melatonin.最近,有科学研究表明,电子设备的光会阻断褪黑激素的分泌。除了太阳光,室内的人造光也足够亮,抑制褪黑激素的分泌。
        Here is what I did to reverse my bad sleep habits (it’s super simple, you can do this now):下面是我纠正不良睡眠习惯的做法。(它们超级简单,你现在就能照做啦!)
        1. 30 minutes before I sleep, I turn OFF all lights and all electronics (including my phone and PC)在入睡30分钟前,我关掉所有的光源和电子设备(包括我的手机和笔记本电脑);
        2. I sit down in the dark silence, and do a short meditation and breathing exercise. This empties my mind and get me ready to rest.我在漆黑的寂静中坐下,简短地进行沉思,调节呼吸。这能让我头脑放空,准备好入睡;
        3. After 10 or 15 minutes, I feel really sleepy, and go to the bedroom to sleep. (Remember to turn OFF all lights in your bedroom though)在10或15分钟后,我真得犯困了,就上床睡觉。(记住要把你卧室里的所有灯都关掉。)
        That’s how I sleep more effectively. If you want a deeper sleep that lets you take on the next day with bravura, try my 3 steps sleep smarter routine above.这便是我更有效率入睡的窍门。如果你想睡得更沉,并在第二天醒来时精力饱满,那么就试试以上我建议的睡眠三部曲吧。

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