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发表于 2016-7-28 22:14:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        You want: More growth, and some shine你想:多长头发,加点光泽
        Try eating more: Probiotics多吃:益生菌
        Inflammation can interfere with normal hair growth, and there's some research with animals suggesting that controlling inflammation by feeding your gut the right foods can counteract those damaging effects. Mice fed probiotics had more robust fur growth and shinier fur than mice in the control group, who didn't get any beneficial bacteria in their diets. Whitney Bowe, a clinical assistant professor recommends three servings per day of probiotic-rich foods and drinks like yogurt with live active cultures.炎症会影响头发的正常生长,一项动物研究表明食用正确的食物能对抗炎症造成的损伤。喂食益生菌的老鼠比对照组的老鼠长出了更坚韧更有光泽的毛(对照组的老鼠无法从食物中获得有益菌)。临床助教惠特尼·鲍建议每天食用三份富含益生菌的食物,如含活性益生菌的酸奶。



        You want: Help for your thinning hair你想:改善脱发
        Try eating more: Vitamin D多吃:维生素D
        Too little D could be contributing to your thinning. Researchers found that about 25 percent of people over the age of 1 were at risk of having inadequate levels of vitamin D. To get more D in your diet (the RDA is 15 mcg), try fish sources like salmon, sardines or canned tuna, or fortified dairy sources like milk and yogurt (look for ones specifically labeled as fortified with vitamin D).缺乏维生素D可能会导致脱发。有调查发现,一岁以上的人中,大约25%的人有维生素D不足的风险。想要在日常饮食中摄入更多的维生素D(每日推荐摄取量是15微克),可以多吃鱼类,如三文鱼、沙丁鱼和罐头吞拿鱼,以及强化乳制品,如牛奶和酸奶(找那些标签上标明强化维生素D的)。



        You want: More help for your thinning hair你想:进一步改善脱发
        Try eating more: Iron多吃:铁元素
        If you're meeting your iron RDA (18 mg for women 19 to 50 years old and 8 mg for women 51 years and older), increasing your intake probably won't make a big difference. But if blood tests show that you're deficient, adding more iron to your diet may lead to a change for the better. Your body absorbs iron from meat better than iron from plant sources. Chicken and turkey are good sources. For plant-based options, try beans, lentils or tofu. And keep in mind that it takes time for nutrient intake via food to affect hair growth, so stick with it for at least a few months to see any results.如果你每天摄入的铁元素已经达到每日推荐摄取量(19至50岁的女性18毫克,51岁或以上的女性8毫克),加量可能不会有用。但是如果血液检测显示你的铁元素不足,那么在日常饮食中增加铁元素摄取量可以改善脱发。人的身体从肉类中吸收铁元素比从植物中吸收得好,鸡肉和火鸡肉就是很好的选择。在植物类的食物中可以选择豆子和豆腐。记住,从食物中摄取的营养物质需要一定时间才能影响到头发的生长,所以在看到效果之前至少要坚持几个月。



        You want: A thicker head of hair你想:头发浓密
        Try eating more: Healthy fats and antioxidants多吃:健康的脂肪和抗氧化剂
        A recent study suggests that the combination of essential fatty acids and free-radical-fighting antioxidants may have more benefits than either on their own. Of the 80 women who took a nutritional supplement containing a mix of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids and antioxidants including vitamins E, C and lycopene, more than 87 percent reported having more hair on their heads and more than 86 percent said their individual strands became thicker at the sixth-month mark. A diet that includes healthy fats and antioxidants can only mean good things for your health—and your hair.最近一项研究表明,必要的脂肪酸和抵抗自由基的抗氧化剂组合食用,会比分别单独食用有更多的好处。研究中80名女性食用了含有脂肪酸(ω-3和ω-6)和抗氧化剂(维生素E、维生素C和番茄红素)的营养补充剂,其中超过87%的人头发变得更浓密了;而超过86%的人表示,6个月过后他们的每根头发都变得更粗了。包含健康脂肪和抗氧化剂的饮食对你的健康和头发百益无害。



        You want: More hair staying on your head你想:保持头发浓密
        Try eating more: Protein多吃:蛋白质
        Most iron-rich foods are also good sources of protein, so if your iron intake is adequate, odds are your protein consumption is, too. But if you're getting a lot of your iron from relatively low-protein picks, like certain white rice or white bread, that may not be true. Your body goes into rationing mode when protein intake is too low, and one of the ways the body cuts back on its protein needs is to shut down hair growth, resulting in hair loss. Once you get your protein intake back on track, your strands will follow suit. Meeting the recommended intake of 46 grams per day for women is likely enough to maintain hair health.大部分富含铁元素的食物都是丰富的蛋白质来源,因此如果你的铁元素摄入量是足够的,那你的蛋白质摄入量也非常有可能是足够的。但是如果你的铁元素是来自于蛋白含量较低的食品(如白米或白面包),那情况可能就不是这样了。当蛋白质摄入水平低的时候,人的身体会进入限量分配模式。身体减低蛋白质需求量的方法之一就是减少头发生长,从而导致脱发。当你的蛋白摄入恢复到正常水平,你的头发也会跟着恢复正常。要保持头发健康,女性每天摄入46克(推荐量)蛋白质就差不多足够了。

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